It’s officially April 1 and that means there’s plenty of room, at least for a few days, to make one of the most hackneyed jokes in recent television history. On this occasion, a memory returns that, despite the years, is still as valid as if it had happened yesterday. This is Elena Furiase’s already iconic mistake in the Password program, which is resurrected every year around this time on social networks.

The profile of Cuatro, witness and scene of that memorable television episode, has not hesitated to remember the moment with a humorous and affectionate tone. “Our favorite month begins (Elena Furiase’s, not so much)!” commented the channel, referring to the tremendous April/Cerral.

The episode in question, starring Furiase and a contestant during a program in 2009, has gone down in history as one of those television moments that remain etched in the collective memory.

The actress’s attempt to guide her partner towards the word May by saying April, and her unexpected response, Cerral – implying that this is how an Asian person would say it – not only caused instant laughter, but also gave rise to one of the most lasting memes on the Spanish network.

This 2024 marks 15 years since that moment. But it is clear that it will continue to be remembered. This is not something that pleases Furiase, who on more than one occasion has expressed her displeasure at having to relive that moment every year even though it no longer brings a smile to her face.

It was in 2023 when the actress and daughter of Lolita Flores used her social networks to confess her exhaustion: “Well… since I’m already reading many messages from April… even if you’re fed up with it, even with your buns, even with it. .. I’m not sick of you, I’m sick of my friends sending me the video.”