The Córdoba-Racing de Ferrol match, of the First RFEF, was stopped after ten minutes of play and later suspended due to the fainting on the pitch of a footballer from the local team, the Serbian center-back Dragisa Gudelj, who was attended by the medical services on the pitch of the El Arcángel stadium and later transferred by ambulance, already conscious, to a hospital.

The 25-year-old brother of Sevillisita Nemanja Gudelj was unwell and collapsed on the ground, with which the assistants came in to perform the cardiovascular massage.

After about ten minutes of tension, the ambulance took the conscious player in the direction of the Reina Sofía Hospital and then it was decided to suspend the game, which registered a tie at one, after consultations between coaches, footballers, refereeing team and leaders, what was announced by the stadium’s public address system.