In Paris, after the entry into force of the curfew night, December 15. MARTIN BUREAU / AFP

France is output, Tuesday, December 15, from his second confinement, decreed the end of October to stem the second wave of the epidemic Covid-19. But the situation is far from being that of a return to normal. Because if the French are no longer forced to carry a certificate to move, the whole of the metropolitan territory is subject to a night curfew from 20 hours to 6 hours in the morning. Only exception : the movements will be allowed during the Christmas eve, even if it is recommended that the French do not get together to ” more than six adults at a time.” In addition, restaurants, cafes and cultural venues remain closed. And the prospect of a reopening next seems uncertain.

also Read curfew, certifications, travel… the point about the restrictions on from 15 December to Follow the figures of the pandemic in Francemis-to-date On average , people are tested positive every day. People tested of which positive These last 24 hours, people have died from Covid-19 to the hospital. Long-term care Hospitals new cases were reported to Public Health France over the past 24 hours (to be confirmed cases since march) deaths have been recorded since march (which in the long-term care facilities) people in intensive care over the last 24 hours Currently, people with Covid-19 are in intensive care. For more information on the figures


The number of dead of the Covid-19 home is not yet known. The data of in-hospital mortality and long-term care-are issues of public Health, France. On several occasions, the agency has had to revise downward the balance sheet in long-term care facilities, due to data entry errors. These corrections do not appear in our graph – the negative values were replaced by null values. The data from the screening from the file Sidep and include the test results RT-PCR and antigenic testing. They are calculated from a rolling average, over a week, in order to smooth out fluctuations related to the number of tests performed over the weekend. The most recent data are likely to be consolidated. The number of people tested is the number of people having completed at least one test for a period of seven days and which have never been tested positive in the 60 days preceding this test. The number of people tested positive corresponds to the number of people who have a positive test for the first time, or more than 60 days after a previous positive test, in order to take into account the case of re-infection. The number of hospitalised patients decreases after three days rise

The health crisis, however, is far from being over : for the past week, we have recorded an average of 12,000 new positive cases every day, well beyond the target of 5 000 cases daily fixed by the executive. According to the last balance-sheet of public Health in France, some 11 500 new cases of contamination in twenty-four hours have been reported Tuesday.

However, the number of patients in the hospital, which was in progress for the past three days, is in decline, with 25 of 240 patients currently supported, which is 241 less than the previous day. In the icu, after two days of increases, the number of patients declined (2 881 25 occupied beds of less than Monday).

earlier this week, France has embarked on a strategy of large-scale screening focused on four cities, and that started with Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) and Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes). Two other territories will follow in January : Roubaix (Nord) and Saint-Etienne (Loire).

Read also the story : In le Havre, the first experimental French tests mass the world of culture in anger, five theatres, seize the State Council

You can’t “guarantee” that the cafes, bars and restaurants ” will re-open on the 20th January “, has warned the prime minister, Jean Castex, Tuesday morning on Europe 1. “It’s going to depend on how we have spent the holiday season “, which can “be conducive to an accelerated movement” of the virus if ” we were not collectively responsible “.

Even blurred on the field of culture : the “results” health are “still not at the” rendez-vous ” for a recovery, said the head of government. “The cultural exception, this is not the exception sanitaire “, a-t-it summary.

A speech difficult to hear for those interested. On Tuesday, some 3,500 professionals from the world of culture protested in Paris, place de la Bastille, and other rallies took place elsewhere in France to denounce the situation.

At the meeting on the place de la Bastille, in Paris, on 15 December. THOMAS COEX / AFP

This fight is also conducted before the courts : five parisian theatres were seized in an emergency, in the evening of Tuesday, the State Council via a petition for freedom, an emergency procedure. Others are expected to follow, including the part of the professionals of the cinema.

in order To attempt to calm the anger of the world of culture, Mr. Castex has confirmed that an “extension of 35 million euros” would be paid to this sector and that a review of the situation would take place on 7 January.

on The side of the hotel and catering industry, thousands of professionals gathered Monday in Paris to the cry of ” Let us work “.

The student asked not to go to school Thursday and Friday

in order To limit the risk of contamination before the holidays which start this Saturday, the prime minister has suggested that children who can not go to school on Thursday and Friday, taking up an idea of the scientific council, which guides the government in the management of the health crisis.

” The absences of those who would be confined for seven days before being reunited with their families will be tolerated. These absences must be reported in advance to the institution “, explained the minister of national education, Jean-Michel Blanquer.

But this initiative has provoked criticism from some trade unions : “Since the month of September, we are told that children are not contaminants, and then, finally, this is to say that there is a risk that the children may contaminate them,” responded Guislaine David, co-secretary general of the Snuipp-FSU, the first union of primary school teachers. According to her, it also creates ” a rupture of equality between the families : those that will be able to arrange to keep their children in the context of protecting the grandparents in particular, and others, who will not be able to keep these two days because they work “.

beyond the school, the scientific council recommends that “the autoconfinement” for a week to those who wish to spend holidays in a family, that is to say, to ask for leave or telecommute seven days before the 24 or 31 December. About the tests, they must be made if one is ” symptomatic “, to know if it is necessary to segregate, reminiscent of the scientific council.

Read also the decryption : Covid-19, Christmas and family celebrations… What we know about the precautions to reduce the risk of transmitting The vaccine strategy presented Wednesday, and Thursday

To turn the page of the crisis, the world relies on the vaccines. The most advanced of them, one Pfizer-BioNTech, has already begun to be administered in the United Kingdom or the United States. In Europe, the european medicines Agency (EMA) will meet on December 21 to vote on its authorization.

Prior to this, the French government will present its strategy of vaccination on Wednesday at the Assembly and Thursday in the Senate. “There will need to be a lot of transparency, clarity, detail, dose, routing” and ” who will be able to vaccinate “, claimed the socialist deputy, Boris Vallaud, who has the feeling that France ” lags “.

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