The fight against corruption in the world has come to a standstill. Since 2017, 95% of countries have made little or no progress in their efforts to end this scourge, according to the 2022 Corruption Perception Index of the Transparency International organization, which measures the perception of corruption in the sector. public according to experts and businessmen.

This landmark annual study links corruption to violence, revealing that governments with high levels of corruption lack the capacity to protect their citizens, and that public discontent is more likely to escalate into violence.

“Corruption has made our world a more dangerous place. Governments have collectively failed to counter this phenomenon, exacerbating the rise in violence and conflict seen today, posing dangers to people all over the world,” Delia said. Ferreira Rubio, President of Transparency International “The only way out of this situation is for States to face the arduous task of eradicating corruption at all levels to ensure that governments work for all people and not just for a small elite.” added.

The report ranks countries on a scale from 0 “highly corrupt” to 100 “very clean.” In 2022, Finland leads the ranking with 90 points, closely followed by New Zealand, with 87. Strong democratic institutions and respect for human rights also make these countries some of the most peaceful in the world, according to the report.

The report also shows that while Western Europe remains the highest scoring region, some of its countries are showing worrying signs of decline. In Eastern Europe, corruption remains rampant, with many countries reaching record lows. Of the 31 countries in the region, only six have improved their score, while seven have worsened it.

The United Kingdom, for example, fell five points, to 73 – its lowest score – due, among other things, to the scandals over ministerial misconduct produced during the government of Boris Johnson. Countries like Switzerland, in 82nd place, and the Netherlands, which obtained 80 points, also show signs of decline due to mismanagement of public resources. For the second year in a row, Spain has fallen one point, ranking 60th. The European countries that have obtained the worst results are Romania, with 46 points, Bulgaria, with 43, and Hungary, with 42.

Russia, in particular, stood out as a glaring example of the negative impact of corruption on peace and stability, ranking 28th. The invasion of Ukraine almost a year ago was a stark reminder of the security threat they pose. corruption and a lack of accountability, according to the report. Transparency International warns that kleptocrats in Russia have amassed vast fortunes pledging allegiance to President Vladimir Putin in exchange for lucrative government contracts and the protection of his economic interests. “The absence of checks on Putin’s power has allowed him to pursue his geopolitical ambitions with impunity,” the report concludes.

Before the invasion, Ukraine, which scored 33 points, had a low score but was undergoing major reforms and had improved its score. However, wars disrupt these processes and raise risks, the report notes, allowing corrupt actors to pocket funds earmarked for recovery, as Ukrainian media recently reported, after which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky fired more than a dozen senior officials.

The index, which ranks 180 countries and territories, places Somalia at the bottom, with 12 points. South Sudan is tied with Syria for penultimate place with 13.

Only eight countries improved last year, including Ireland with 77 points, South Korea with 63, Armenia with 46 and Angola with 33. Compiled since 1995, the index is calculated using data from 13 external sources, including the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, private consulting and risk assessment companies, and expert groups, among others.