means go To the Museum to look at pictures on the walls or things in the display cases?

Not in these museums! Here you are not involved as the visitors into the action. Whether you wallow in a Pool of balls, part of a digital Installation to be life or the sinking of the Titanic after it’s properly interactive.

The post maps-App MyPostcard and IMAGE introduce you to five great hands-on museums in the entire world, the particular Selfie motives. So you can buy some on Instagram right impression.

“super candy! Pop-Up Museum“ in Cologne

The Museum is in a former printing house in Cologne-Ehrenfeld is not rosy just from the outside completely. Also Inside there are, for example, a beach with pink balls, or a sky of pink cotton candy. A total of 20 accessible and tangible installations curls. Visitors can dive into a liquorice pool with 100 000 black balls or Confetti sprinkle.

This must, of course, many Selfies documented – the motives are predestined for great Instagram pictures. Who wants to take pictures in different Outfits, you can move into a cabin. In addition, there are several snack stops and a Goodie Bag. the The Pop-Up Museum is still to 28. February 2019 open. Tickets are online only and for a certain window of time available. Entry fee: 29 euros, reduced price of 21 euros.