Families that have a dog or cat among their members go out of their way to provide them with the care they need. It is a matter of responsibility, of course, but it is also what their hearts dictate. Although no legal text can overcome the strength of a bond based on feelings, next September the Animal Welfare Law will come into force in Spain, which commits society to the care and rights of the animals with which we live.
Dogs and cats are the most common pets in Spanish homes. Although there is no official census, the most reliable estimates highlight that 8.2 million dogs and 6.4 million cats live with us, figures that grew a lot during the pandemic. In a context of difficulty and for many people also loneliness, the population of domestic animals increased by 44% in Spain.
The best way to comply with some of the requirements of the new regulations and ensure the best conditions to guarantee the well-being of our four-legged life companions is to take out specialized insurance. Among the existing proposals on the market, Mascotsegur is one of the most complete options and has the guarantee of Agrupació, one of the pioneer insurers in pet insurance with more than a decade of experience offering this type of coverage. In addition, now, and for a limited time, you can benefit from special conditions
Taking care of these life companions is a pleasure, something that arises naturally in correspondence with the affection that dogs and cats give us. But it is still a responsibility and, we cannot forget, an economic cost. The priority is their well-being and for this, in addition to affection, pets need to follow a balanced diet, exercise and good health monitoring by a veterinarian. Something very similar to what we humans need.
Animal health experts recommend a minimum of two check-up visits to the vet every year. In the case of puppies, which require more attention, and also in older dogs and cats, this figure grows. In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind the unforeseen events or the possible appearance of diseases that require greater monitoring. Visits to the emergency room, accidents, diagnostic tests and surgical interventions can pose a problem for the family economy.
Mascotsegur offers an alternative through which we will always have access to veterinary assistance for our dog or cat without losing sleep over the bill. This insurance offers coverage throughout the country for surgical interventions, stays and veterinary assistance in general. On the other hand, the policy contemplates an extension of these coverages in case of travel or displacement of less than 90 days through any country of the European Union.
Mascotsegur does not force you to change your vet. At all times, you decide which professional, clinic and veterinary hospital you want to treat your pet. This insurance will reimburse you up to 80% of the expenses in accordance with the guarantees detailed in the contracted policy.
In addition to face-to-face visits, Mascotsegur provides 24-hour veterinary teleassistance, even if we are outside the country, and a wide range of services that you can access with just one call. Beyond telephone healthcare, this insurance provides access to services that are very useful if we have to travel in the company of our pet or if we choose to look for a nursery or custody service while we are away.
Mascotsegur includes among its optional coverages a civil liability insurance with which you will comply with one of the requirements of the new Animal Welfare Law. Some autonomies, such as the Community of Madrid, already require the contracting of this type of coverage to deal with the damage that our dog can cause to other people, animals or property. The new regulations will extend the obligation to the entire country. Agrupació’s pet insurance offers coverage of up to 300,000 euros and includes expenses for legal defense and claims up to 3,000 euros.
In addition to other optional coverage such as insurance in case of accidental death of our dog or cat, Mascotsegur provides access to discounts and other advantages when contracting products and services that will improve the quality of life of your pet and also benefit your pocket . For example, you will have special prices at veterinary clinics, residences, shops and hairdressers, among other establishments.
One of the most innovative and successful services of the Agrupació pet insurance is that it allows you to access veterinary service and online training. Another proposal that generates great interest is the one that allows contracting the generation of identification medals with a QR code.