* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

Come and see, this is the title of one of the works of urban art in Estepona, by Elena Aguilera. She invites us, with a beautiful circus mural, in the very center of the old town, to stroll through the flowery streets of Estepona.

I love walking for several reasons, one is because I like to walk and another because walking and strolling through your town or city always surprises you. There is always a new vision or perspective; change of sidewalk, change of light, people… Also, if you like photography, like me, each walk is a new experience, even if you don’t have a camera or mobile phone with you.

The experience of visiting a work of art in the street gives a wide and deep vision of the different dimensions of the city. Even if they are painted or drawn, a work of urban art is a work with a context, the city itself. With your own messages or simply as an integration into the spaces of the city.

One thing is obvious, many of these murals will gradually deteriorate, they will live their own life throughout the days, seasons and even years, intermingled with the life of the environment and the people who inhabit it.

Like all forms of art, street art or urban art also has its own history, its beginnings, its protagonists and its steps up to the present day, which are numerous to name.

But the origin of this movement, of this art, of this culture, seems to be in the sixties, specifically in Paris. The main standard of these murals is graffiti, but it is encompassing increasingly varied forms of expression.

Paris, London, Berlin, Lisbon, Sao Paulo, Toronto and Barcelona are usually considered the places with the best and most numerous outdoor artistic creations.

And as we advance and evolve, there are more and more towns and cities that exhibit or have quality works, since modernity is there, creativity and feeling part of this world is essential for cities and their inhabitants. Who doesn’t want a Banksy play in his town or city?

Therefore, urban art is very fashionable and Estepona has decided to join the movement for quite some time now. He has opted for and incorporated murals as a decorative and identifying element of the city.

With more than 60 murals already, currently there are 65, to this day, the city has opened an open-air museum between its facades, its streets and its people.

The idea of ​​creating a mural route dates back to 2012, when the first mural was inaugurated, subsidized by a bank. Since then the number of works carried out has not stopped growing and not only by street art artists, but also by well-known painters who have left their mark on the city of Estepona.

In 2013, 10 murals were created, highlighting The House of Good People, by Conchi Álvarez, and Estepona Siglo XXI, by Néstor Prada.

In the years 2014 and 2015, The route of the Murals, the Open Air Museum, increased not only in number, but also in the area of ​​influence, reaching other areas, allowing the works to begin to decorate almost the entire city. .

Then came the I International Mural Competition in 2017 and there were 11 murals created and submitted to the contest, with renowned artists such as Lalone, Dadi Dreucol, Imon Boy or Zosen and Mina Hamada.

A few years later, specifically in 2020, the II Estepona International Mural Competition was held, with artists from all over the world (Russia, Brazil, South Africa) and also Spain, and with increasing quality. Artists like Samatha Jordan, Vyacheslav Gunin or André Farkas.

This year 2023, Estepona already has the first Ground Eco-Painting work in the municipality, titled Deep, by the Navarrese artist Eneko Azpiroz, which is located in the public square next to the new town hall building. In this way, the ground has become a place of creation and the work can be freely walked and traveled for the enjoyment of passers-by.

And a few days later, work number 65, by Curro Leyton from Malaga, was also inaugurated. In it, the fishing roots of Estepona are honored. With a painted surface of 420 square meters, the mural is located in the same fishing port, and is titled Estepona.

If you are visiting, know that Estepona not only has beaches, gastronomy and good weather, since you can also enjoy this spectacular open-air museum.

Take your time and savor the ride. Even, almost simultaneously, they can insert other cultural routes, which are reaching out and which we will talk about another day. Of course, Urban Art, as I mentioned above, is like life itself, it suffers over time, but it never disappoints, it only excites.