Curious moment that Clara Galle lived with David Broncano in ‘La Resistencia’. The actress and model, known for her role in the film “Through My Window,” attended the popular program with her friend Nicole Wallace.

During the interview, Clara told a funny episode that she experienced on Madrid’s Gran Vía, which quickly became the center of attention and to which her reaction could not have been more sporadic: “I saw you there like a super pringado.”

While walking down the Madrid avenue, Clara heard someone say: “Goodbye Clara, this Monday you are going to La Resistencia.” Turning around, she realized that the comment came from David Broncano, who was riding a scooter.

Clara’s reaction caused a wave of laughter among the program’s audience when she commented that she had thought that Broncano looked “super crazy” on his scooter.

Nicole Wallace, visibly surprised, asked if Broncano really moved around Madrid on a scooter. The presenter, amidst laughter, flatly confirmed that this was the case. However, Broncano wanted to go back in the conversation, since he did not expect Clara to define him as a “loser,” a term that he used with humor and without bad intentions.

Clara, taking the opportunity to clarify her comment, explained that her perception was influenced by a personal experience: her mother had been run over by someone riding a scooter.

Furthermore, he admitted that he expected to see Broncano in a car, not on a scooter. Clara’s spontaneity and Broncano’s willingness to laugh at himself made this segment of the program become one of the most talked about moments of the night.