Lourdes Ciuró, Victòria Alsina and Jordi Puigneró have joined the Junts per Catalunya executive. The three former councilors had already attended the meetings of the management because of their condition as members of the Government, but they were not elected to form part of that body in the congress.

The JxCat executive has unanimously approved that they are now part of that body, in which three other econsellers were already ex officio members: Jaume Giró, Violant Cervera and Gemma Geis.

Thus, now the only former minister of Junts who does not participate in the leadership is Josep Maria Argimon, who does not have a party card. Neither did Giró and Alsina, who have joined the legislature already underway. In fact, the former head of Acció Exterior i Govern Obert did it just a few weeks ago, in order to defend the continuity of the coalition.

“Their incorporation reinforces the unity of the party in the face of this new political stage of Junts in the opposition. The ministers contribute their experience in the Govern and will help supervise the management of what President Pere Aragonès does with the Govern of the 33”, has summed up the vice president and spokesman for the formation, Josep Rius, in reference to the number of deputies from the Esquerra Republicana caucus in Parliament.

In another order of things, Rius, at the press conference, asked Aragonès for “a clear agreement to know what majorities he has and with what parliamentary allies the legislature wants to move forward”. “You cannot govern or approve budgets with 33 deputies. We want a clear agreement, which tells us with whom you want to agree on budgets,” added the JxCat spokesperson.

The request for clarity made by Junts is accompanied by criticism of the different opinions expressed by the ERC: “Oriol Junqueras said that he was vetoing the PSC and Aragonès avoids rejecting them”, highlighted Rius, who underlined that the president “pressures Junts but his ministers they do not rule out agreeing” with the Catalan socialists. “The pressure from Aragonès on Junts is only an excuse to justify his pact with the PSC and his pacts with the PSOE in Madrid. They should not use Junts to try to prevent their internal discrepancies from being seen”, stressed the leader of JxCat.

Rius has indicated that for now they will not position themselves and has remarked that the structure of the Government has changed and that, for example, Polítiques Digitals, which for Junts was “fundamental”, “has been blurred”. “Housing was in Drets Socials now they have linked it to the billet and cement,” she added. “When we know the budgets, we will explain our proposals”, she concluded.