The president of the PPCV, Carlos Mazón, stated today in Valencia that “the change that has come to the Valencian Community and that on June 9 we are going to consolidate it by stepping firmly in Europe to defend our interests.”

Mazón has participated together with the president of the city’s PP, María José Catalá, the provincial president, Vicent Mompó and the candidate for the European elections, Esteban González Pons in the opening ceremony of the campaign for the European elections that will take place on next Sunday June 9th.

Carlos Mazón has assured that “the PP is eager and excited to change things, like a year ago. The change has been possible and we are developing and implementing it.”

Mazón has highlighted that “we started the campaign on the street while others have gone to a closed location, they have encapsulated themselves. We do it in the street and we approach people to look them in the face and to tell them that we work and manage for them. “We don’t hide”

Carlos Mazón explained that “these elections, Valencia and the Valencian Community have a lot at stake and we have to decide if we are going to fight in Europe for our agriculture, our infrastructure or the water that we deserve or we are going to lower our arms, if we claim what we are. or we are going to continue being second. And we are going to do this because we have all agreed that the Valencian Community has to shine and be a reference and for that we have to step hard and earn the respect of Europe.”

In this sense, Mazón has sent a message “to those who are encapsulated so that no one bothers them. We tell Sánchez from Valencia that La Albufera is not touched. It’s enough to lie and not to comply. We are not going to allow the Albufera to be ignored anymore. We have caught them lying and failing to comply.

“The Spain of change is becoming stronger in the CV and from the CV because it is the one that lowers taxes, the one that wants our agriculture to have a future and our sectors to be able to survive. Sánchez’s hourglass is ending and finally freedom and our land will get going.”

In this sense, he assured that “next 9J we will respond to Pedro Sánchez with respect, reason and tranquility that we do not want more fiscal hell, we want taxes to be lowered, not impositions, we want educational freedom and that it’s over laughing at us, ignoring us and condemning us to not being able to grow. “We want to be protagonists because we believe in our capacity and our possibilities.”

The popular leader has highlighted that “the change has only just begun because no one beats us to manage or claim what we believe our land and Spain deserve.”