The Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities and leader of the PSPV, Diana Morant, assured yesterday that she is going to today’s meeting with the president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, “with a constructive spirit.” However, immediately afterwards, the socialist leader demanded something impossible from the popular leader: “Let him break with Vox.” A demand that shows the difficulty of both leaders reaching any type of agreement.
In fact, while the head of the Consell wants to take advantage of the meeting to present a Valencian agenda of demands before the Government of Spain (financing, water, investments), Morant – a member of Pedro Sánchez’s executive – wants the content of the meeting to revolve around to the laws proposed by PP and Vox in Les Corts Valencianes. Yesterday, the minister put the emphasis on the Consell’s attempt to “denormalize Valencian”, although surely during the meeting she disfigured Mazón’s bill proposals from her party and her government partners on historical memory or education.
The meeting comes at a time of maximum tension between the two parties. After years of tension and without significant state agreements (with the blockade of the General Council of the Judiciary, as an example), it was already difficult to predict a rapprochement between the two parties in the Valencian Community. However, what happened with the threat of resignation of the President of the Government has only strengthened the positions of some and others. We must not forget that Morant is a person politically linked to Sánchez who mediated to facilitate his arrival at the General Secretariat of the PSPV.
A tension that was seen last Tuesday in the Les Corts Table and in the Board of Ombudsmen, when the left and the PP did not agree on the placement of a flag to celebrate the day against LGTBIphobia. There was not even a gesture of parliamentary courtesy when it came to setting the appearances in committee on the laws that are being processed. And, as a culmination, the PSPV responded with a request for documentation to find out about the institutional advertising of Carlos Mazón’s government to the “pesudomedia.”
The PP ombudsman, Miguel Barrachina, responded to the proposal by regretting that “it is the PSPV and Pedro Sánchez who can decide which media can be read and which cannot. Today they have already begun to make the list of good and bad ones.” Another evidence of the climate of tension that surrounds today’s meeting at the Palau de la Generalitat.