* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

Today, February 2, Candlemas Day in our country and Groundhog Day in the United States, here it seems that we will still have winter days ahead. As the saying goes in Catalan: “Si la Candelera riu, l’hivern és viu” (if Candelaria laughs, winter is alive).

We’ll see what Phil the groundhog predicts in the United States. But, here, although it was cold this morning in the bed of the Besòs river, in Sant fost de Campsentelles (Vallès Oriental), with a temperature of 4°C, the effects of the drought are clearly noticeable.

Very dry plumes and a river that flows with very little flow, as can be seen in these images in La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos. We hope that one day this dry streak will be broken or we will have a bad time.

Phil, a groundhog from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, has gained worldwide fame for his annual weather prediction. Every February 2, during the Groundhog Day festival, this animal comes out of its burrow and, according to tradition, if it sees its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter. If you don’t see it, spring will be here soon.

La Candelaria is an ideal date to forecast the weather and especially the cold days that remain. In the Besòs River, we can also look at an indicator: the plumes of the reeds. The trick is in its length. If they are long, that indicates that the winter would be cold and harsh. If, on the other hand, they were shorter, it meant that the winter would be mild and warm.