When savings books began to spread in Spain at the beginning of the 20th century, few imagined that this useful resource would become an essential help for families over several generations. Its popularity grew so much that, today, in the midst of the new technologies, many people still use their lifelong notebook to manage their family finances.

In fact, CaixaBank, the leading bank in Spain by number of customers, currently has 4.8 million sight account books. It is very common that, in the network of offices of the entity, the largest in Spain, with more than 3,800 branches throughout the country, every day there are customers who come to update their book to check the balance and the latest movements made .

For this reason, the financial entity, within the framework of its commitment to specialized care for the elderly, has completed the installation of the passbook module in 100% of its ATM network. Even the most modern and advanced CaixaBank terminals, which have a contactless reader and the latest innovations in biometrics for facial recognition, also offer the book reading and updating service. In this way, customers can use any point in the entity’s network, made up of more than 12,000 ATMs in Spain, to check their balance and movements with the instrument they prefer: mobile phone, card and, of course, the classic book . CaixaBank maintains passbook support for customers over 26 who so wish. In fact, they can request it at their office and it is provided at no additional cost.

There is also no additional maintenance fee for the use of the notebook. The only condition is the client’s commitment to keep it minimally active; that is, update it at least once a year. In the case of people over 60 years of age, the minimum period of use is extended to two years: it is enough that they use it at least once throughout that period for the booklet to be considered current and operational. Those over 70 years of age can use their passbook whenever they want, because in their case no minimum use has been established and the passbook will never be automatically cancelled.

CaixaBank’s ATMs are among the most advanced in the sector and allow more than 250 operations to be carried out. They incorporate all the innovations in accessibility so that anyone can use them intuitively. In addition, CaixaBank organizes digitalization training sessions for its customers to help those who want to be more familiar with it improve their use of ATMs and digital banking.

In 2022, he carried out more than 3,000 sessions of this type, with an excellent evaluation by the attendees. More than 15,000 people signed up for one of these formations. The service for senior customers at ATMs has also been reinforced with the implementation, throughout the CaixaBank network, of a simplified menu of operations, CaixaFácil, designed for people less familiar with new technologies.

The customer does not have to select anything special to activate it: as soon as they enter their book or card, the system automatically identifies the preferences that this person has configured and, if applicable, activates the simple menu, which prominently offers the usual operating options, with a larger typeface and an adapted design. In any case, whenever a customer needs help using an entity’s ATM, the branch employees will be willing to help them: they will accompany them to the terminal and show them how to carry out the operation, as many times as necessary.

In addition, in a large part of the CaixaBank network, there are personnel specialized in serving the senior segment, who not only help in the use of self-service, but also offer advice and all kinds of personalized attention. These are senior managers, a new figure of which CaixaBank has been a pioneer in Spanish banking, and which is being implemented throughout the network so that clients in this group have a reference person in their branch.

They are managers trained in gerontology, expert and empathetic employees, who create a new relationship model with senior clients based on trust. CaixaBank estimates that by 2023 there will be 2,000 senior managers in its network. More than half of them are already operational and serving customers, who can contact them by going to their branch, by direct phone and even by WhatsApp, to make it easier for them. In parallel, the offices with a cash desk offer the possibility of over-the-counter service.

CaixaBank has strengthened this service especially for seniors, and has increased the number of times they can carry out operations over the counter without any added cost, from four to five times a month. In addition, since March 2022, there is no type of time limitation for the use of the teller service: as long as the branch is open, customers can go to it. All these measures are part of the commitment assumed by CaixaBank so that all customers and, in particular, the senior group have a better service every day and attention tailored to their needs.