After the fracture of the coalition between the PSOE and Unidas Podemos for the reform of the law of only yes is yes, staged in the 8-M demonstrations that both formations held separately, the socialist sector of the Government follows the instructions of Pedro Sánchez and strives to add more water to the internal fire. But without admitting, despite this, the convenience of the video released by the Secretary of State for Equality, Ángela Rodríguez -number two of Minister Irene Montero in this portfolio of the purple formation-, in which a group of protesters chanted slogans against the president of Vox: “What a pity it makes me that Abascal’s mother could not have an abortion!” Quite the opposite. The Minister of the Presidency, the socialist Félix Bolaños, admitted this Thursday that he does not share this initiative of the Secretary of State for Equality, which he has come to consider, to say the least, unfortunate.

In the case of Ángela Rodríguez, it also rains on wet for the PSOE, after that intervention in which they regretted that the Secretary of State was frivolous with the impact of the reductions in sentences for sexual offenders that the application of the law of only yes was causing is if. “I have no intention of entering into any type of controversy with anyone. It seems to me that we cannot focus on these behaviors, which I really do not share”, assured the Minister of the Presidency. “Let’s not stay with more or less fortunate anecdotes, because the management of the Government is something much more important than this type of issue,” Bolaños has demanded.

Without so many precautions, the president of the Junta de Extremadura, the socialist Guillermo Fernández Vara – who shared an appearance from Mérida with Bolaños – has strongly condemned the video released by the secretary of state of the purple formation. “It is an offense against intelligence, both natural and artificial. It is a real offense to intelligence ”, lamented Vara. “An obligation that we all have as rulers is to calm and calm coexistence, not tense it. It is a mistake and an offense against intelligence”, insisted the president of Extremadura, who on May 28th opts to revalidate his current absolute majority in the regional elections.

Bolaños, in any case, wanted to focus on government action, for example the approval last Tuesday in the Council of Ministers of the bill to guarantee parity between men and women in the political sphere and in large companies , and in the stability of the coalition Executive between the PSOE and United We Can despite their discrepancies. “The coalition government has managed to carry out 200 laws in this legislature, at the rate of an absolute majority, with the most divided Parliament in the history of democracy, reaching agreements and dialoguing with everyone, which is the hallmark of this government, to improve the lives of citizens”, he highlighted.

“Of course, in a coalition government, different political forces coexist and of course there may be some discrepancy,” Bolaños acknowledged. But he has called for managing these discrepancies normally, just as it is done between people who think differently. “That is Spain: 47 million people who think differently. And I am determined to focus not only on what we have already done, we have achieved that Spain has stability and that it advances economically and socially, and let’s talk about what we are going to continue doing, because we have a year of legislature ahead of us , and we have more legislatures ahead to continue transforming the economic and social reality of our country”, he assured. “And of course we are going to do it, with the same stability that we have done so far, and the same stability that we will also have in future legislatures,” Bolaños confided.

That is precisely the key so that the coalition government between the PSOE and Unidas Podemos does not break up now. Because the only alternative to a right-wing Executive, after the general elections scheduled for next December, is that they give the numbers so that the current left-wing coalition can be reissued, as warned by the Socialists. “We have been a stable government and we are going to continue to be a stable government throughout the remaining year of the legislature,” Bolaños assured. “We have been one of the most stable governments in Europe,” he stated. And to certify it, he pointed out, you only have to look at Italy, the United Kingdom or France. “This stability that we have achieved in a very divided Parliament has led us to have a service record for citizens of progress in rights and freedoms. We are one of the most stable governments in Europe, and it will continue to be so during the remaining year of the legislature. It is a hallmark of the Government ”, has settled the Minister of the Presidency.

Bolaños, on the other hand, has referred, to questions from the press, to the allusion made the day before by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to the photograph of Alberto Núñez Feijóo aboard the yacht of the Galician drug trafficker Marcial Dorado in the summer from 1995. “It is a photo that exists. It is a photo that makes us wonder too many things. It is a photo that will always accompany Feijóo. And it is a photo that makes us wonder if in another European country this person could lead something”, the Minister of the Presidency warned about the current leader of the Popular Party.