The president of the United States, Joe Biden, asked for “advice” from Morgan Freeman and Michael Douglas, among other actors who have played the position of president in fiction, to prepare the State of the Union speech that he will give this Thursday before Congress .

This is clear from a humorous video call that the Democratic leader had with the artists while he refined the details of the intervention he will have before the legislators.

They chatted with Biden Morgan Freeman, who played the president of the United States in Deep Impact; Michael Douglas (The American President), Bill Pullman (Independence Day), Geena Davis (Commander in Chief) and Tony Goldwyn (Scandal).

“I have never spoken to so many presidents at the same time. They know that I have to give a big speech, the State of the Union. Does any of you have any advice?” Biden told them with a laugh as he started the call.

Freeman recommended transmitting “hope” because it is “the strongest, most useful and effective force that the country has.”

“My advice is to tell us how it is working for us and give us hope,” he summarized.

Douglas said that in playing the role of president he learned that “love and compassion are strengths for a leader, not weaknesses.”

While Pullman stressed that the most important thing is to call for the “unity” of the country, and joked that he had it easy when he held the presidency on ‘Independence Day’ given that “an invasion from space makes people a”.

Davis recalled that when she was president in fiction there were crises every day and she learned that “there is no place to cry in politics,” while Goldwyn recommended that Biden tell people that “it exists” for them.

Biden will give this Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Washington (02:00 GMT on Friday) the State of the Union address before both chambers of Congress, which is expected to focus on the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, as well as the elections in the next November, in which, barring a major surprise, he will fight again with former Republican president Donald Trump (2017-2021).