BCN Ets Tu, the only candidacy contesting the 28-M elections in the Catalan capital that defines itself as the “anti-Colau” formation, is confident that the results indicated by a survey will materialize – it grants it representation in the Barcelona City Council – to “go around the city” and bring to the Consistory the management ahead of an institution dominated until now by politicians.
With this purpose, the candidacy led by the Barcelona lawyer Daniel Vosseler yesterday held the final act of his campaign at the Teatre de Sarrià. BCN Ets Tu aims to evict the current municipal government and the mayoress Ada Colau. To this end, it proposes a program with a clear commitment to security (a Guardia Urbana staff made up of 4,500 agents and a unit of 120 police officers specialized in the fight against occupations) and cleaning, renegotiating the current contract, which considers ineffective, and battling against incivility.
The formation led by Vosseler also proposes to improve the housing situation in Barcelona, firstly by eliminating the obligation to allocate 30% of new developments to social flats and promoting the construction of 50,000 flats in four years (25,000 publicly owned). .
Other of the electoral hooks of BCN Ets Tu are the liquidation of the superblocks, the recovery of Via Laietana reversing the reform works that are being carried out, and the possibility that all citizens have free bus and metro.