Disputes with electricity companies increase with the rise in prices, according to figures from consumer associations and specialists in the legal sector. The typical thing happens due to disputes with the payment due to disagreement in the reading or unexpected charges.

But there are extreme cases such as confusing meters and imputing the expense of an industry or nightclub to a home. And when claiming, the affected person finds processes that take longer than desired.

Supply remains one of the areas of consumption with the most questions and complaints. According to data from ARAG, legal consultations on electricity companies grew by 53% in 2022. The bad taste of the estimated readings is one of the most repeated. Invoices triggered without actual consumption. “It can only be used in exceptional circumstances, such as a breakdown or not being able to access the meter. A formula is used that generates a huge distortion, one should look at the period of the previous year and it is not done,” says Javier Sanguino, a specialist lawyer in ARAG consumption. To prevent the ball from growing, it is recommended to contact the company and give the actual reading as soon as possible.

The gas cap is also causing headaches. “It has been explained quite badly. There are free market customers who now see a concept that they did not have before and the bills have increased more than expected. They find themselves with a higher price than the one agreed with the company”, he affirms.

Another common case is that of company changes without consent. If it happens, it must be taken into account that there is a period of 14 calendar days from the contract to withdraw without being able to apply a penalty. If the term has elapsed, it will be time to claim.

Adding new and old problems, in Facua the electricity supply accounted for almost one in every five queries answered in 2022 and 15% of the claims made, only behind cars.

In the route to claim there are three main routes. The first step is to do so in writing to the marketing company. Either due to an erroneous reading or another problem. “What many consumers do not know is that if they do not respond within five business days, there is a right to compensation of 30 euros (for breach of the service quality commitment),” says Rubén Sánchez, president of Facua.

The second step, if the problem has not been resolved, is to go to the regional consumer agencies or through administrative channels through the entity with powers in autonomous energy. Your industry services. Sánchez also invites consumer organizations to attend. “There is more pressure if they are behind them and specialized lawyers can see irresponsibility that had not been detected,” he argues.

The third level is the judicial demand, “long and slow process”, alert from ARAG. “The administrative route gives reason in many cases, but it is not binding. If the company does not pay attention, the only remaining route is the judicial one…”, laments Sanguino. In Facua they point out that there are few cases that reach this point, because they are usually small amounts. “But there are also cases, such as when they are accused of theft of electricity,” he comments.

In any case, you have to be patient. It can take several months to resolve issues. Even years depending on the characteristics.

In some cases there may be compensation. As in unplanned supply cuts, not communicated and attributable to the company, such as a breakdown. “The marketer has some obligations that, if it fails to comply, entitles it to compensation,” says Sanguino. Compensation can also be given if there is a power surge that damages devices or if a cut forces food to be thrown out of the freezer, he exemplifies.