At the beginning of the century, a video game was fashionable (I don’t know if it survives in any current app) called Happy Pill. It consisted of touching the game characters with a pill the exact number of times so that they would be “cured.”

One of the ways to lose was not to reach all the characters in time with the “medicine”. The other was to give them more doses than necessary. In that case, the character, when dying, said: “Too much of a good thing.”

I remember the game when I read about the many benefits of nuts and think about the way and quantities in which I consume them. At least three times a day: in salads, alone, in vegetable creams or in the form of peanut butter.

I have the comfort that at least I know I am increasing my intake of fiber and healthy fats. But anyway – when the shirt refuses to close on the first try – I keep wondering if my great love for nuts isn’t “too much of a good thing.”

Likewise, I will not stop recommending that you include them in each weekly menu, at least in your snacks. In addition to nuts, and as always, I also leave you suggestions to eat three servings of legumes, two of fish, and lots of fruits and vegetables. Enjoy!

Baked preparations

Preparations with sofrito

Fire preparations

Microwave preparations

Cold preparations