Thanks to an agreement between Barcelona City Council and ADIF, a new hot and cold network, in which 21 million euros will be invested, will cover the La Sagrera intermodal station, the entire tertiary area of ​​La Sagrera and the Prim urban sector, which is basically residential. The network will serve a total area of ​​920,000 square metres, which is equivalent to air conditioning more than a hundred buildings.

This new plant will mean saving 53,000 MWh/year of electricity consumption and a reduction of almost 11,000 tons in annual CO2 emissions, equivalent to taking some 19,160 vehicles off the road. Once the initial project is configured, the file will be prepared as long as this hot and cold network is executed, operated and maintained with a public-private collaboration format.

Urban air conditioning networks, highly efficient systems for the production of heat and cold from the use of renewable or residual resources, provide heating, cooling and sanitary hot water, with 30% energy savings compared to individual conventional systems, such as boilers. or air conditioners.

In turn, these air conditioning networks reduce noise, reduce vibrations, eliminate risks of explosions, minimize CO2 emissions and reduce maintenance and replacement costs.

The design criteria of the future network of La Sagrera are focused on the production of heat and cold by means of high-efficiency heat pumps, taking advantage of the thermal stability and the abundance of groundwater available from the Besòs river and the use of solar energy to production by the electrical needs of the plant.

On the other hand, Barcelona City Council also has another project for a centralized climate installation in the area of ​​the old Modelo prison, with a planned investment of around 6.3 million euros. It is a centralized energy generation and distribution system to provide cold and heat with maximum efficiency and with a joint operation. The project will be developed in phases and this new network will mean a saving of 560 MWh/year of electricity consumption.

This action is expected to host public facilities and spaces that will serve the neighborhood and the city, such as the memorial space, an institute-school, a nursery, an assisted residence and a sports hall, among others.

In addition to these two new actions, work has also begun to build two new plants that will allow the consolidation and development of the Districlima and Econergies networks based on the use of renewable or residual resources.

The third plant of the Districlima network, which will be located underground, will be located in the Poblenou neighborhood and will allow the number of buildings connected to this technology to be increased by a hundred, while the new high-efficiency refrigeration plant of Econergies, It will make it possible to take advantage of the residual cold from the regasification process of Enagás’ liquefied natural gas, which is now lost by throwing it into the sea.