One of the consequences of the covert strike that some 70 agents of the Badalona Urban Guard have been holding for four days, protesting the non-payment of overtime and the material situation of the police service, is the lack of citizen security patrols on the streets. from the city. To alleviate this deficit, apart from a reinforcement of nine Mossos d’Esquadra patrols, the municipal government has applied an emergency decree to take eight agents out on the streets, which are four patrols, who usually carry out surveillance services in municipal buildings .

The decree allows hiring a private security agency to carry out surveillance services 24 hours a day in municipal buildings. Three eight-hour shifts to control access to the Banc Central building, unarmed surveillance, weekdays from Monday to Friday. They will also be in charge of monitoring access control to the Casa de la Vila building and the central offices in the El Viver building.

The measure that the municipal government applies urgently responds to the refusal of what is considered blackmail by the agents who have not been going to work for three days due to sick leave due to various illnesses. On the part of the unions, the pressure measures are maintained and ensure that it is not a covert strike, but rather that each agent has demonstrated their temporary inability to keep their job.

In parallel, the PSU union again calls a rally in the Plaza de la Vila at four in the afternoon to reiterate its protests over the situation in which the local police force finds itself in Badalona. The agents consider that the material and personnel deficiencies are going on forever without a short-term solution being seen, which is why they demand urgent measures.