* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In The Photos of the Readers of La Vanguardia we can contemplate autumn in the incredible and unknown to many people Pont del Far, on the Llobregat, between Guardiola de Berga and Cercs.

The colors of the autumn season make the old stones of the bridge shine and the water silvered by the sun is reflected. A real find for me, even though the road passes very close.

It is a Romanesque bridge, located in a section of the Llobregat river known as the Far, the name given to an old farmhouse, located relatively close, but within the Guardiola district, and which has now disappeared.

The bridge is 32.50 meters long and 2.70 meters wide. It is formed by two semicircular arches, the central and largest, with a span of 32 meters and a height of 2.9 meters. The pillars rest directly on the rock.

As for the smaller arch, annulled at the end of the 18th century and recovered as a result of restoration work, it surely had the function of facilitating the circulation of the river in case of an increase in flow.

The walls of the bridge complex are made from roughed ashlars of rather small sizes. The current pavement is made of stones and boulders. The railings have a width of about 45 cm and a height of about 66 cm.

Due to the works on the new C-1411 highway, in 1990 restoration work on the bridge was carried out. The Pont del Far is part of the route of the royal road that connected Berga and the northern area of ??the region, therefore, with Bagà, La Pobla de Lillet, and by extension with Cerdanya.