On Wednesday, winter weather alarms stretch almost coast to coast, impacting at least 100 Million Americans, thanks to many significant weather issues.

The Arctic atmosphere has pushed the jet flow pretty far south west and is inducing many storms expected to move across the nation in the upcoming week.

A significant concern is the ice storm which will grow from Texas into mid-Atlantic during the upcoming few times with rounds of freezing snow and rain hitting the area through Friday.

Ice accumulation will lead to power outages and hazardous traveling for the upcoming few days too.

Since the precipitation becomes all snow at the mid-Atlantic, it is going to collect locally more than 6 inches of snow, particularly in the higher elevations in Virginia into Pennsylvania with all the heaviest and most coordinated snow to its mid-Atlantic coming on Friday.

There might be, locally, within a half inch of ice hockey — notably in Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky — which might have significant impacts on the area throughout the end of the week.

Locallyup to 1 to 8 inches of snow is possible, such as Freezing rain that could have significant impacts in these metro areas.

A look forward at the computer versions reveals this Arctic blast will get worse that this weekend and early next week.

Computer advice indicates the bitter cold is likely to earn a spike to the southern U.S. and enlarge eastward, particularly Sunday and Monday.

This will probably lead to widespread record lows from the fundamental U.S., in which temperatures occasionally can be 50 degrees below average.

This can force the jet stream to become very amplified and favor storms to track across the southern U.S. and up the East Coast.

In other words, the recipe to get much more impactful weather, largely in the kind of ice and snow will stay across a lot of the U.S. throughout the following week.