Faced with other positions in the independence movement that believe that sitting down to talk with the State is a waste of time and that it “anesthetizes” the movement, Pere Aragonès has claimed tonight the advances in the dialogue table. At a time of considerable division, with a sovereigntism that does not share any strategy, and on the eve of an Onze de Setembre that is expected to be more tense than on previous occasions, the President of the Generalitat has assured that in this space of negotiation they are achieving agreements “to facilitate the end of the repression”, or what would be the same, “to put an end to the threat of prosecution”.

“It is important to value that we are managing to return the conflict to politics”, the head of the Government stressed in his institutional message on the occasion of the Diada this Sunday, delivered at the Roman forum in Empúries. It is the first time that a president of the Generalitat has delivered his speech on the occasion of the Onze de Setembre from Girona. Aragonès has chosen Empúries because it is “an emblematic place” in Catalonia that “treasures the roots of a Greek and a Roman city and was a meeting point for citizens”.

For the president, reaching the maximum level of dejudicialization of the Catalan conflict is a preliminary and essential step to negotiate later in favor of one of the main objectives of the independence movement: a referendum.

“[Ending the judicialization] is essential to facilitate a negotiation that once and for all addresses the substance of the political conflict with the State: the need to respond to the majority, solid, transversal will of the citizens of Catalonia who want to decide freely the future” of Catalonia, has expressed through an extensive paraphrase.

In this sense, it should be remembered that Aragonès assured that during the general policy debate that will be held in Parliament from September 27 to 30, he will make a “broad” proposal for self-determination that will go beyond independence. The president of the Generalitat has insistently reminded these days that “time” and perseverance are required, which means that this issue will be addressed in 2024 at the earliest, after the general elections.

Aragonès has also placed a referendum as “inevitable”: “Catalonia will vote; she will do it sooner or later”, she has pointed out. But he has sent a message to Junts, and by extension, to the rest of the pro-independence forces and entities, when he has stressed that it will be sooner or later “depending on the strength” of the pro-independence movement. “Never, absolutely never, will I give up the fact that the citizens of Catalonia can freely, peacefully and democratically decide the future of the country”, he remarked.

The last meeting of the dialogue table was at the end of July. It ended with partial pacts, apparently from the Catalan delegation, generic for public opinion, on dejudicialization, with steps to deflate the legal process of the procés, but without any mention of the crime of sedition in the Penal Code that Esquerra has claimed so many times , or for example, change the functioning of the Court of Auditors.