news 19082024 122613
news 19082024 122613

A group of radical anti-Israel organizations are gearing up to protest the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and are encouraging their members, particularly young people, to engage in violent clashes with the police. One of these groups, Behind Enemy Lines, is promoting police beatings as a fashion statement for the fall of 2024 and urging its members to take on law enforcement in the streets.

The organization, which law enforcement has identified as a potential threat to the DNC, is calling on anti-imperialist students and youth to flood the city and confront the police. They are being instructed to take the frontlines, endure beatings and arrests, all in opposition to what they refer to as Genocide Joe.

Their website features a section called “DNC Dispatch” with blog posts discussing the political aspects of their fight against certain political figures. They question the necessity of protests being safe and argue that disrupting society’s normal functioning is crucial for successful demonstrations.

Another anti-Israel group, Palestine Action US, has also been promoting violence on its Instagram account, particularly on college campuses. The group has previously praised arson attacks and called for the destruction of university properties. Their social media features content on how to create barricades, protect against police batons, and avoid police arrests in order to keep fellow activists safe.

While the organizers of the protest claim that the event will be family-friendly, they have made it clear that they will not denounce violent actions by protesters. They believe in a diversity of tactics and will not condemn any form of protest during the DNC.

In preparation for the event, the city of Chicago has been working with various law enforcement agencies, including the Secret Service, for over a year. Police Superintendent Larry Snelling assured the public that officers have been trained differently since the violent clashes of 1968 and that they are well-prepared for any potential disruptions during the convention. Officers have undergone training on constitutional rights and de-escalation techniques to ensure the safety of all individuals involved.

The Chicago police are committed to preventing any destruction or violence that may occur during the DNC and have emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and order throughout the event. With the collaboration of multiple agencies and thorough training, law enforcement officials are ready to handle any situation that may arise.