Lizzo has found herself embroiled in a new legal scandal, just a month after facing previous sexual harassment allegations. This time, the plaintiff is her dressmaker, Asha Daniels, who has escalated the allegations to include not only sexual harassment, but also racial harassment and an “unsafe and sexually charged work culture.”

Daniels has not only directly targeted Lizzo, but also Amanda Nomura, the singer’s team wardrobe manager. According to Daniels, Nomura had insufferable behavior, making racist and fatphobic comments, in addition to subjecting her to exhausting work days. The dressmaker has described an unsafe work environment loaded with sexual and racial tensions, with shifts of up to 20 hours and refusals to take rest periods.

Daniels’ situation was further complicated when she suffered an ankle injury, allegedly caused by a coat rack handled by Nomura, and was forced to wear sneakers despite her injury. After taking her complaints to tour manager Carlina Gugliotta, Daniels was fired without compensation and alleges that her experience has left her with serious health problems, including anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and migraines.

The response from Lizzo’s team has been strong. A spokesperson for the singer has declared the lawsuit “false and absurd,” and questions the credibility of Daniels’ lawyer, accusing him of “chasing” a goose that lays the golden egg.

Curiously, while this legal storm looms over her, Lizzo, a leading figure in body positivity, received the Humanitarian Award from the Coalition for Black Music Action in Los Angeles. In a remarkably empowered speech and despite the fact that there are already several voices raised against her, she affirmed that she will continue to represent and create safe spaces for black and fat women.