Andy and Lucas are one of the duos with the most followers in our country. Both are united by a long and successful professional career. Andrés Morales and Lucas González are now celebrating two decades of experience with the album 20 years in more than 20 songs, a work in which they compile their greatest hits. For this reason, they went on stage at the ‘Fiesta de la Resurrección’ in Madrid, held last Saturday in Cibeles. Now they have revealed that they would be willing to perform in another type of celebration, yes, that had nothing to do with EH Bildu.

“If they call us at Gay Pride, we go too. We make music. Another thing is that they call me Bildu. If they call me Bildu, I won’t go, they are ETA members and they have killed people,” Lucas expressed in recent statements to Europa Press. The interpreter had been asked about the concert organized by the Catholic Association of Propagandists, an event that was baptized with the name ‘The Feast of the Resurrection’, where he performed together with his stage partner.

After these statements, the musician made it clear to the aforementioned medium that the group does not belong to any political party. “If the question is what political party Andy and Lucas are from: insipid,” the artist declared to the aforementioned medium. The singer limited himself to rejecting the labels on his beliefs, assuring that they “are not from anyone.” “If you go with the Catholics, you are from the right or extreme right. If you go with the gays, you are from the extreme left. We are from our homeland. My flag is my son,” sentenced the man from Cádiz.

Following the statements to the aforementioned medium, Jon Inarritu, deputy for Bildu, wanted to speak through his Twitter profile. “I don’t think there is any EH Bildu council that has thought of hiring this group of ‘comedians'”, he expressed, adding emoticons of clown faces and faces breaking out with laughter. “We always think of benefiting the citizenry,” says the politician. The controversy has been opened in the comments, while some tweeters applaud his words, others ask him not to disrespect them.

For their part, the artists have also wanted to talk about their new work with Europa Press. “The album is a tribute to us, to our fans, to our trajectory. And those who have been… blessed glory to them,” says Andy. Several artists have volunteered to collaborate with the duo for this new album, including Lérica, Abraham Mateo and Los Rebujitos. “There are those who had to be there,” the duo expressed to the aforementioned medium.

In addition, although Cádiz was the place where they were born, they assure that they have grown fond of many parts of the country, corners where they have always been “treated wonderfully”. The people of Cádiz assure that communities such as Asturias, Cantabria, Galicia, Castilla y León or Catalonia have always been places where they have always felt very comfortable on stage. “We enjoy Spain in all its splendor,” they say.