There is no better occasion than this year, marked by the sharp rise in prices and the adjustment of family budgets, to give or buy a book for Sant Jordi that teaches how to get more out of the money you earn or better understand how the economy and investment. Financial knowledge is basic to achieve economic success, a goal that several of the best-selling authors have achieved in a category in which both some novelties and some classics stand out, according to the following recommendations and the list of best sellers from Casa del Libro and Abacus.

Xavier Sala and Martin

Rose of the Winds

In his latest proposal, the economist and publicist Xavier Sala i Martín (1962) explores the nature of human intelligence in a context marked by the apocalyptic ideas that robots will replace people in many areas of the labor market, a vision that does not share the author. In the book, the renowned professor at Columbia University in New York explains in 594 pages the history of human intelligence, as well as its scientific, technological and social milestones.

With De la savanna a Mar. L’economia de la intel·ligència natural, Sala i Martín pays homage to the 10,000 generations that humans have needed to make the journey from when they competed with lions in the savannah until they managed to send ships to Mars.

natalie de santiago


The engineer and financial expert Natalia de Santiago (1977) sheds light with her new book on how to make savings profitable, a matter of special interest in a context of low profitability of traditional deposits and high inflation. The author starts from the premise that everyone can improve their financial situation and that the problem is that, when it comes to investing, most don’t even know where to start.

Can I invest with little money? Is it necessary to entrust everything to the brick? Is an investment fund better or buying cryptocurrencies? These are some issues that he addresses in Investe con poco. Make your money grow. De Santiago explains clearly and simply how to make money work for us without the need to become rich. With achieving well-being and living without financial troubles is enough.

Teodor de Mas i Valls


The economist Teodor de Mas i Valls reviews his personal history and that of his ancestors to explore how our origins condition the management of our finances. A journey during which the reader will discover a method, based on savings and investment, to free himself from the obligation to work for third parties. The vital and financial experience that Fer Diners collects is also a guide, written in a pleasant tone, to make the right choice in countless day-to-day economic decisions.

The author explains that the objective of the book is to leave it as a legacy to his descendants, in addition to serving as an inspiration for those who want to be more independent in the labor market and have more free time to enjoy life.

Robert Kiyosaki


Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by American businessman and investor Robert T. Kiyosaki, is one of the classics that repeats year after year on the list of best-seller books on personal finance. In the work, the author compares the attitude towards money, the job market and life of a person with a millionaire mind with that of another who is poor, and tries through the teachings of the rich to banish limiting beliefs about how manage finances.

With the book, a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller, Kiyosaki has radically transformed the way millions of people around the world perceive the concept of money.

Benjamin Graham


The following bibliographic proposal for this Sant Jordi is, in the words of the renowned American investor Warren Buffett, “the best book on investment ever written”. Undoubtedly, many of the knowledge and experiences that this work treasures on the world of investment are still applicable to today’s world despite having been published more than half a century ago.

In fact, the book not only served as an inspiration to the Oracle of Ohama, but also to many other investors, who discovered through reading the philosophy behind value investing. Graham explains how to avoid strategy mistakes, as well as develop a rational plan to buy stocks and increase their value with a long-term view.

George S. Clason

Obelisk Editions

Another classic of the 20th century, the one written in 1926 by the American businessman George Samuel Clason (1874-1957), continues to be one of the most relevant works in the world of finance. The Richest Man in Babylon details the steps to financial success and solving money problems, as seen by Clason, who amassed a great fortune thanks to his map-printing company and the method he used to Manage your economy.

Since its publication, the book has inspired millions of people to meet goals such as increasing savings capacity, reducing debts and starting to generate passive income, those that allow you to earn money beyond work income.

Morgan Housel


The prestigious economic analyst Morgan Housel details through 18 keys how the psychology of money works and what are the habits and behaviors that help to generate wealth and preserve it. The former Wall Street Journal columnist argues that the trait that characterizes financially successful people is not their mathematical ability or their talent, but their personal history, their motivations and having a unique vision of the world.

A theory that explains why there are highly educated people who fail in their businesses and yet another who does not have it manages to ride the dollar. Housel brings the reader the essential knowledge to understand the psychology of money and review one’s own financial beliefs.

Vitaly Konstantinov

Red Fox Books

Perhaps the most groundbreaking proposal of the bibliographic novelties for Sant Jordi 2023 is the latest work by the artist Vitali Konstantinov: a book with illustrations and cartoons that hilariously deals with the relationship of the human being with money. A comical but profound vision that returns to other times in history to delve into the complex and fascinating world of finance.

Thus, throughout the pages of All the Money in the World, it is explained, among other issues, what trade was like before currency existed, why wealth is distributed so unequally, what crises are, bubbles and cryptocurrencies.

Stephen R.Covey


Certain goals in life, such as saving or opening and running a business, involve adopting a series of habits. This is the starting idea of ​​this best seller that, despite seeing the light of day at the end of the eighties, continues to be a benchmark in the history of management. Stephen R. Covey (1932-2012), known as the “American Socrates”, exposed in his book his method to improve behavior in both the work and personal spheres.

Through thought-provoking anecdotes, the book challenges the reader to assimilate and put into practice the seven stages of Covey’s recipe for success on their own, adapting them to their personality and freely applying them in all walks of life. business.

Peter Lynch


The American investor Peter Lynch describes in this book his method to achieve financial success based on the idea that there are always investment opportunities available to non-professional investors as well. You only need to pay attention to the environment, to the products and services we consume, to know which companies to invest in.

This is the way, according to Lynch, that you can get to 10-baggers, the term used on Wall Street for stocks that have earned ten times the money invested. Just owning shares in a few of them is enough to get a star investment portfolio, according to the author of the book.