When Ana, the daughter of Ana (Obregón), is old enough to review how her birth was, she will read that a Minister of Equality of the Government of Spain, branded as Frankenstein by some, declared that it is the result of “violence against women”. And, also, she will be able to review the entire tsunami of reactions that caused the decision of “the person who raised her” (a euphemism used on purpose as a resource to avoid saying “mother”) in wanting to have her by her side at 68 years old.

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy of Language, a “mother” is the “woman who has conceived or has given birth to one or more children”, but it is also understood that she is the “woman who acts as a mother”, that is, “with qualities attributed to a mother, especially her protective and affectionate character”. Is “mother” only the one who gives birth? Because another definition is this: “Female animal that has conceived or has given birth to one or more young”. Can the concept of “mother” be reduced to that when we talk about human beings? When Ana, the daughter of Ana (Obregón), comes of age, she also reflects on it, just as thousands of Spaniards have done in recent days regarding her coming into the world under the focus of the tabloids and all colors.

But, surely, when Ana, the daughter of Ana (Obregón), is older, no one will talk about whether surrogacy is illegal in Spain and why, instead, in a neighboring country that cannot be considered barbaric, like Portugal , yes it is legal. Perhaps no one will remember that abortion was once illegal in Spain and that this forced women to practice it abroad (if they had the resources) or to submit to illegal practices (more unsafe and with more risk to their health). ). Just this week three people, a woman who had just given birth and a couple, were arrested by the National Police for their alleged involvement in a surrogate motherhood case in Badajoz. Just as it happened with abortion, the fact that this practice is illegal, does that mean that it is not practiced clandestinely and without the guarantees offered in other countries?

When Ana, the daughter of Ana (Obregón), looks back, she will see that the Equality Minister herself said that it was born as a result of a practice with “a clear discrimination bias due to poverty”, although there are countries like Canada where it has been regulated that the surrogacy process must be altruistic. The argument is that only the rich can afford to “buy” a child, but what does it cost to adopt? What is an in vitro fertilization worth?… Doesn’t it even cost money to be born traditionally? Aren’t we all born with a bill under our arms and don’t we cost our parents a lot of money, a lot of money, during all the years (at least 18) that they raise us?… The PP, the main opposition party to the Government , as we said, called Frankenstein by some, opens to regulate surrogacy in Spain “without commercial interest”. When Ana, the daughter of Ana (Obregón) is of legal age, surely this debate will already be over and another related to some new practice will have been opened.

But, what is clearer is that nobody, absolutely nobody, has thought of Ana, the daughter of Ana (Obregón), when she has thrown herself on the iron to participate in criticizing the famous and, incidentally, all the people ( non-media) who have also opted for surrogacy to create a family. Because no one has thought that Ana, Ana’s (Obregón) daughter, is now just a baby, but that, one day, she will be older. Can it hurt that Obregón is now 68 years old? Or rather that she is famous and that she is at the center of the focus of this already soap opera that can only go further? How are you going to manage a childhood so exposed to public opinion? How will this girl live when she grows up all that has been said these days?…

Torquemadism is the great enemy of empathy and the great ally of hypocrisy. It is in the genes of the Spanish to gossip, criticize, denounce, vilify, belittle, offend, insult, disdain and, ultimately, point the finger at the neighbor. Even more so, if social networks facilitate it. If they had existed in the fifteenth century, even more heretics and witches would have been burned.

And it is that this practice, deeply rooted in our culture since the Inquisition was introduced, is in our blood, it does not understand borders, it is like a virus without a vaccine, a poison without an antidote. Every Spaniard has the right to publicly shoot the decision of Ana (Obregón), who, on the other hand, also lends herself to the game of Hola covers. And it doesn’t matter that, along the way, she ends up affecting the other Ana, the baby.

But also, what about all those women who cannot have children and who want a family with a boy or girl to raise? What happens if they have exhausted all the legal options they have in Spain and have not succeeded? What happens, for example, with those couples who can spend years and years suffering bureaucratic ridicule, periodic exams, parenting courses and the economic bleeding of endless adoption processes and who, finally, have to leave because they have arrived? at the maximum age allowed while waiting to be assigned a boy or a girl? Well, Torquemadism has a very clear answer: “To the bonfire!”. Or what is the same in its soft version: “let them get annoyed”, “life is like that”, “you can’t have everything”, “I don’t get everything I want either and I put up with it”…

Torquemada is our Supreme father. And she also our Mother. She is gender neutral. And Torquemadism, our great creed. For this reason, Ana, the daughter of Ana (Obregón), could have the impression, when she can remember, that she is the result of a Frankenstein-like creation that was not only shaped by surrogacy, but by popular acclaim.

But, that of Ana, the daughter of Ana (Obregón), is not the only Frankensteinian case that we have had in recent days in Spain, where Torquemadism acts in all facets of our society. And especially in politics. This week we have seen, for example, how the MEP Clara Ponsatí, who is not 68, but 66, was arrested by the Mossos d’Esquadra in front of the Barcelona Cathedral after she returned to Catalonia from Brussels. The pro-independence leader had an arrest warrant issued by Judge Pablo Llarena, who attributes a crime of disobedience to her for the pro-independence process.

Ponsatí was wearing the MEP accreditation around her neck, like congressmen when they come to the city to participate in the Mobile World Congress. “Are you sure he wants to do this?” She snapped at the plainclothes policeman who stopped her. Well, yes, because it is necessary to feed the Frankenstein monster, change the screws and tighten them again from time to time. It is the only way to keep it alive for both one and the other, especially with two months to go before the next municipal elections.

And, surely, if we look at the polls, in Barcelona there will be another Frankenstein government, which is what in today’s jargon would be a coalition. Except for a capital surprise, neither Ada Colau, nor Xavier Trias, nor Jaume Collboni, nor Ernest Maragall, will be able to govern alone. They will have to agree, govern by composing a puzzle of pieces that integrates the policies of one or more other parties. The Frankensteinian bipartite (or tripartite) is served and, in one way or another, will also be born by surrogacy because the mayor (or mayoress) will be hired, commissioned by others, called government partners.

In any case, Gerard Piqué and his streamers (although it may seem like it, it is not the name of a musical group) may already be thinking of incorporating a new team into their Kings League, which will be called Frankenstein, in honor of the politicians who will direct Barcelona for the next four years. Shakira’s ex has turned a joke, the football matches of a lifetime, into a success capable of filling the Camp Nou. It seems that he also bills … His football tongue and groove of him has found the ideal Frankensteinian formula, at least in the short term. But will it be a passing fad? Will it still be talked about when Ana, the daughter of Ana (Obregón) is of legal age?