A few days ago, a teacher sent an audio message through the WhatsApp group of her students’ parents to tell them that Father’s Day is celebrated next Sunday, March 19, but that they had changed the name of this party and that it would now be be called ‘Special Person Day’.

The teacher justified this change in the message by saying that today society has advanced a lot and there are a wide variety of families: single parents, queer families with two moms or two dads, etc., so celebrating Father’s Day could hurt some sensitivity and it is better to celebrate the Day of the Special Person.

The woman asked the parents to give the children a photo of a member of the family to do a task and to be able to celebrate such a beautiful day: “Let’s see if you can bring a photo of the family, or for example, of cousin Jaime, who is the cousin with whom the child has the most fun, or with the grandparents, or the whole family, or dad, mom and siblings… it can be whatever you want, but it’s not called Valentine’s Day anymore Father”.

After sending this message through the private group, the audio began to move through other chats and was uploaded to social networks, where it has gone viral. The brutal response of one of the parents to the teacher’s proposal has also become famous: ”Hello, I am one of the parents of the group. It was to shit on your fucking mother, because you don’t know the father, right, beautiful?”, said one of the parents. The issue has reached television, where Joaquín Prat has described before the camera that “we are becoming assholes”. Bertín Osborne also has an opinion in this regard, who has said on his social networks that he would remove his children from that center.

TikTok, Twitter, Instagram… the teacher’s audio has reached all corners of the Internet and has created a war of opinions between those who embrace a new, truly secular education that puts an end to traditions linked to Catholicism and others who believe It is nonsense and that customs must be maintained.

”I grew up without a father and I had no problem”, ”I hope and wish it was a joke” or ”If you want a day for the special person, find a place for him in the calendar” are some of the comments that They have filled the net. For their part, some teachers have explained that the tasks related to this type of celebration have to be worked on very carefully, explaining the different realities and adapting the activity to those children who have different circumstances, but that there is no reason to put an end to it. a celebration with as much tradition as Father’s Day.