The Ronda Sant Antoni de Llefià de Badalona Neighborhood Association (Barcelonès Nord) after the altercations that last Saturday provoked the followers of the rapper Murad during the recording of a video clip on the outdoor sports track, in which the mayor had to intervene, Xavier Garcia Albiol, has issued a harsh statement in which he accuses the City Council of serious irregularities in the management of the conflict.

The neighborhood entity accuses the government of having delayed the celebration of the event due to a delay in the procedures, of having charged a fee to the production company for recording in a private space for public use, of not having had an operation from the Urban Guard given the anticipation of a large influx of people, the absence of the police forces during the incident and the mayor, “causing tension with his presence.” Furthermore, they claim to be aware that “the Guàrdia Urbana had orders not to intervene” and that the situation, which led to the eviction of the artists, could have been avoided “with the action of the police when the private security service requested it.” .

The reaction to the accusations by the municipal government has also been made through a statement and calls the statements “false and unfounded” and that is why the Neighborhood Association is asked to publicly rectify or the municipal government will take action tomorrow. appropriate legal actions to defend against this defamation attempt.

In the official statement, the councilor of District 4, Daniel Aguilera, also regrets that a Neighborhood Association, which should contribute to making the city, is dedicated to making partisan statements, and remembers that it is an association that has a board with broad representation of members of the socialist party.

For his part, Fernando Carrera, president of the PSC municipal group at City Hall, stated in an interview that “according to GUB agents, there were orders not to pass by there all morning.” He also considers that there was a lack of planning and denounces what he understands as “a marketing action by García Albiol.”

The statement that the Association – the public note continues – is aware that the Urban Police had orders not to intervene is the biggest lie that is made and a real nonsense, which can only be understood by the political intention of the statement. Both the Guardia Urbana and the Mossos d’Esquadra had previously assessed the event and had agreed on how to deal with it following exclusively police criteria. The two security forces were following the event from early in the morning, with plainclothes officers in the same environment, patrol cars around the area and even several Unitat Arro vans in the neighborhood in case they had to act.

Given the claim that it is an irregularity that the City Council has charged a fee for this filming, since it took place in a private area for public use, the government specifies that the fee is generated because there is an impact on public use space. Likewise, they request parking reservations to be able to park the trucks and vehicles with the necessary material.

For all these reasons, the official statement insists on regretting the political intention of this statement and that “it lies so blatantly with an issue as important to the residents as their safety.” Therefore, it reminds the Association that if it does not rectify the statement today, tomorrow it will take the appropriate legal action.