“were the political processes and the punishments of exile and death inflicted on Dante, my dear ancestor, are unjust, and have never been deleted, as happened with Galileo Galilei. And therefore, if the laws permit us, we will ask for the revision,” confirms Sperello di Serego Alighieri, astrophysical observatory of Arcetri, representative of the nineteenth generation of the great Poet.

Code of criminal procedure

Sperello Alighieri

To suggest the idea to the Alighieri scientist was one of the studies text of the european constitution the most renowned of Florence, guided by the lawyer, Alessandro Traversi, university lecturer of criminal procedural Law. That has come to the conclusion that a new process, to Dante, is not at all a utopia, despite the seven centuries that have passed. Articles 629, 630 and 632 of the code of criminal procedure stipulate in fact that is susceptible to review any final judgement in case of new evidence proving the innocence of the convicted person. The request has no time limit and may be brought by an heir of the person convicted, the same. So it was asked for the opinion of Sperello Alighieri, which he immediately accepted with enthusiasm.

two sentences

But before starting any procedure, process, and his colleagues have decided to organize a conference to be attended by high ranking magistrates, lawyers, historians, and linguists, to check every possible technical aspect. The event will take part, among others, Margherita Cassano, the president added, the court of Cassation, and Mauro Iacoviello already the attorney general added of the Supreme court. “There are two convictions of Dante — explains Alessandro Traversi —. The first to exile, the second death, and it will be interesting to see whether in the light of the Statutes and the Florentines of the time and of the current legal principles of the two judgments may be susceptible to revision”. Dante Alighieri was condemned in 1302 with an award of the Cante de’ Gabrielli da Gubbio, then-mayor of the Municipality of Florence.

Appointment in may

“Not only for political offences — he still remembers Traversi — but also for serious and defamatory criminal offences similar to the offences against the public administration committed by public official (Dante was prior, ndr) which are covered in the current penal code. Among these, the one of “baratteria” as it was called at the time, which is a sort of corruption or traffic of illicit influences”. Were the right processes? Probably no, and it is for this reason that the jurists, but also historians and linguists, have decided to reopen the cold case of a more famous history. “To ask if they were judgments of regular judicial proceedings — highlights-Traversi — or instead only the fruit of a poisoned policy, that he used instrumentally justice to strike an opponent”. The event is scheduled for the 21st of may, in addition to the heir of the Alighieri there will also be Antoine de Gabrielli, manager French, a descendant of the podestà, who condemned Dante.

(Here is the comment by Aldo Cazzullo on each other)