Five people have been slightly injured by smoke inhalation and a two-year-old child has had to be transferred in critical condition to the Vall d’Hebron hospital due to a fire that occurred Friday at seven-thirty in the afternoon on the street Roger de Llúria from Santa Coloma de Gramenet. The Medical Emergency System (SEM) specified that two of the five slightly injured were also transferred to Vall d’Hebron, while the other three were taken to the Esperit Sant Hospital. In addition, eleven other people have been treated and have been discharged at the same scene. As explained by the Firefighters, who sent nine crews to the scene, the fire occurred on one floor of a four-story building.

When the officers arrived at the scene, they found that there was fire on the first floor and on the façade of the first floor. Specifically, a mezzanine floor was burning, which has been completely burned. In the burned apartment, the Firefighters located and rescued the two-year-old child, who was evacuated outside where he received assistance from the SEM medical services. He was subsequently transferred in critical condition to the Vall d’Hebron Hospital.

While the extinguishing work lasted, the residents of the property were recommended to confine themselves to their homes and put towels under the door so that the smoke would not enter. Some neighbors had already abandoned their apartments and others have stayed in their homes until the Firefighters could evacuate them safely.

Around seven thirty the fire began to spread through the gallery towards the ground floor and the cooperation of the Barcelona Fire Brigade was requested. Shortly before eight in the afternoon, the fire in the gallery had been put out and the tasks of extinguishing the initial fire continued, which was finally extinguished around eight thirty at night.

Once the fire was out, the Firefighters continued to ventilate the building and review the structure of the building, and will gradually return to their respective parks.

Nine crews from the Generalitat Fire Department have worked on the extinguishing device (four water vehicles, a ladder truck, a van with respiratory equipment and three command and personnel transport vehicles). In addition, four teams from the Barcelona Fire Department also collaborated (ambulance, two water vehicles and one command vehicle).

The Mossos d’Esquadra, who have taken charge of the investigation to clarify the causes of the fire, have also participated in the emergency device with four teams, while the Medical Emergency System (SEM) has activated seven ambulances, two teams sets with firefighters and a command vehicle. Local Police officers also acted.