A tree at least a couple of stories high collapsed that morning, shortly after half past five, on the sea side of Aragó street, between Vilamarí and Entença. The surrounding residents claim that the specimen in question did not look good. Fortunately there were no injuries.

The Parcs i Jardins technicians of the Barcelona City Council are still analyzing the remains of the battered Lledoner in order to determine the exact causes of the incident. This is the fifth accident related to trees that has occurred in Barcelona in just ten days. On Monday a robinia fell on the children’s area of ??a park in the Clot neighborhood.

“It woke me up, because it made a big noise, but I turned around and went back to sleep,” said a neighbor this morning from her balcony, located right in front of the now orphaned tree tree, with the base of the trunk felled. And then I said to myself, let’s see if something has happened and I looked out, and there was the tree, lying on the sidewalk. The truth is that he didn’t look good, like the rest of the street. Look how bad they look: yellow, with a lot of holes, all tilted, all leaning on the asphalt… Just the other day I was telling my husband that if they continued tilting they would end up forming a tunnel for cars.

Yes, neighbors on this side of the Eixample maintain that the damaged specimen did not have a healthy appearance, that its inclination was not at all flattering, that it had many holes… However, none of these neighbors ever filed any type of complaint.

A municipal employee putting up fences around the tree pit says that these days as many trees are falling as any other, that with the change of season they are still very heavy with leaves, that what is happening is that people are more sensitive and pay more attention. in these matters because this summer a palm tree broke in half and killed a young woman in the Raval neighborhood. “But these things happen all the time. The other day a Tourist Bus took a branch off its face…”

Municipal sources add that, including the latter, so far this year 156 trees have collapsed in Barcelona, ??and that last year 203 did so. “This year as many trees and branches are falling as last year.” In any case, municipal technicians have been in contact for weeks with experts and officials from other cities in order to exchange information.