A strong hailstorm surprised the citizens of the north of Madrid late in the afternoon. Around 8 p.m., heavy grains of hail fell on the northern neighborhoods of the capital, such as Las Tablas, Montecarmelo or Sanchinarro, among others. It lasted about 20 minutes, but the hail flakes were quite large.

However, in other Madrid neighborhoods such as Las Rosas at the same time there were only strong storms. Madrid capital has been registering strong storms for three nights, but very punctual. That is, intense, but not very long.

The experts’ predictions already predicted for today “cloudy intervals in the early hours of the morning without ruling out some scattered showers or storms in the extreme southeast of the Community, although soon tending to be slightly cloudy with intervals of high clouds and increasing from the midday the cloudiness of evolution and the probability of showers and storms”. In addition, “minimum temperatures with a slight decrease in general and maximum temperatures without changes or with a slight increase” were expected. In addition, throughout the day there have been “variable light winds tending towards the south in central hours and with moderate intervals in high areas of the mountains.”

This phenomenon also occurred on the night from Saturday to Sunday in some towns in the south of Navarra, such as Corella, Fitero or Cintruénigo. There were no injuries, but there was a white blanket on the streets, which was removed by the tractors. There were falls of trees, branches, dented cars and significant damage to crops in these agricultural areas. It will be necessary to study why this phenomenon occurs in very specific areas of certain municipalities.