Hundreds of migrants, especially of Venezuelan origin, remain stranded in Nuevo León, northern Mexico, after last Tuesday the Ferromex company announced the temporary suspension of its trains due to the increase in foreigners boarding its units looking for a way to travel. transportation to reach the border with the United States.

The intention of the migrants who remain in the limits of the municipalities of El Carmen and Escobedo is to reach the border of Piedras Negras, Coahuila and from there cross into the United States where they hope to request humanitarian asylum.

The group forms an improvised camp where they endure high temperatures, thirst and lack of food. Among the foreigners there are entire families, including minors and pregnant women.

Foreigners have not been able to advance on their way to the Piedras Negras border with Eagle Pass, because Ferromex has not reactivated its trips.

“We have suffered all these days, the abuses of the police, thirst and hunger,” commented José Ángel “N”, of Venezuelan origin.

He commented that they remain close to the tracks in search of the train trips being reactivated soon and being able to continue their journey in search of the so-called “American dream.”

The migrants spend their days between the sun, dirt, lack of water and high temperatures, but they still refuse to be insured by the National Migration Institute (INM) that seeks to take them to a shelter.

This Saturday elements of the INM, as well as the National Guard and the Army carried out a raid to secure the foreigners; However, they were dispersed among the wagons and nearby dirt roads.

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), insecurity, violence and socioeconomic conditions are the main factors that influence thousands of migrants leaving their countries to cross Mexico and try to reach the United States.

He has also pointed out that the variety of nationalities of migrants crossing the country is increasing because more people are leaving their countries after the Covid-19 pandemic, which has caused a new wave of migration in the region.