A National Police agent accused of stealing packets of cocaine seized during police operations at the Alcoi police station (Alicante) has denied the facts, although he has admitted that on several occasions he took packets for his own consumption although he returned them immediately.

The agent has testified in the trial, held this Monday at the Provincial Court, that he twice accessed the office in which these tests were stored and took two envelopes with the intention of using said substance for his own consumption but that, later, the He returned to the place where they were without consuming them, after repenting of his initial conduct.

The accused has recounted that he entered said office “because he needed pages” and that he took “one of the envelopes” because “at that moment he was very affected by the disease” that his father suffered from and he thought that cocaine could “relieve anxiety” that he suffered”.

However, he has assured that he reconsidered and returned them: “I took a small piece of paper and put it in my pocket, but then I felt ashamed of myself and went back inside to return it.”

This behavior was repeated twice, on September 24 and 25, 2020, as he has admitted, after explaining that he has provided 13 years of service and that he has been proposed to receive a decoration.

The Prosecutor’s Office attributes to the police the crime of infidelity in the custody of effects in the exercise of his work as a public official and requests for him a sentence of four years in prison, as well as another six of disqualification for the performance of his duties as police.

According to his initial qualification brief, the agent used his position to divert at least four envelopes that allegedly contained cocaine and, in addition, manipulated the minutes of the operations on its seizure. As of this version, this behavior – which could have occurred between the beginning of August 2020 and the end of September of the same year – was recorded by the police station’s security cameras.

However, his defense denies responsibility for the crime and maintains that the possible intervention of the nearly 30 agents who were able to access the same premises where the seized effects were kept was not investigated. In addition, it has alleged that the Police only provided part of the recordings of the minutes in which the defendant appeared, but not the videos of the 19 days that elapsed between the two different dates on which the abduction would have occurred. of the papelinas

In the same way, the defense lawyer has also pointed out that the nine different fingerprints found in the box containing those envelopes were not investigated, among which those of the defendant did not appear.

His defendant has stated that he was a “sporadic cocaine user” because it helped him overcome the anxiety caused by his father’s worsening health, with Alzheimer’s disease, apart from taking pills that were prescribed to him, such as Diazepan.

The trial continues tomorrow, Tuesday, with the statement of the officers of the police station responsible for the unit that was dedicated to the custody of the effects seized in police operations and it is expected that the jury can begin the deliberation of its verdict on Wednesday, the 15th.