The neighbors of the man accused of killing the mother with knives in Ripoll on October 31, 2021 testified this Friday at the trial, which is being held in the Court. They explained that the defendant and victim had a bad relationship and disputes were “common.” They also detailed that the woman worked at night on weekends and the accused took the opportunity to have parties at home, causing neighborhood complaints. 

The crime took place around nine in the morning and a good part of the neighbors came out to the landing alerted by the woman’s screams. One saw how the defendant inflicted the last stab wounds on him through the peephole in the door. 

The Court has fined an “important” witness who has not appeared at the trial 500 euros and has ordered that he be taken away if he does not appear on Monday.

After the election of the popular jury and the previous allegations of the prosecutor and defense, this Thursday, the trial resumed in the morning with the statements of the first witnesses. 

In the courtroom of the third section of the Girona Court, the neighbors of the victim and the accused explained that the arguments between mother and son were “quite common”, as well as neighborhood complaints so that the defendant took advantage of them for the purposes of week to have parties with friends. A situation that they had also made the woman aware of, asking her to try to remedy it.

The accused killed his mother with knives around nine in the morning on October 31, 2021 and, in fact, there is no doubt about the authorship because the defendant himself recognizes that it was he who ended the woman’s life. As it was already daylight, a good part of the neighbors began to hear the woman’s screams asking for help and, therefore, they ended up going out to the landing.

The neighbor from the opposite door, who was a minor at the time and who asked to testify without visual confrontation with the accused, stated that they were cries “of agony” and, therefore, he decided to go to the entrance of his house and look out the door. peephole. He then saw the accused stabbing the woman the last time, who fell collapsed on the ground. The defendant immediately fled downstairs.

As he explained, through the peephole he thought they were “dry” punches, because he could not see the knife, but when he alerted his parents and they opened the door, they realized that the attack was much more serious and that there had been “ a lot of blood”. 

Simultaneously, the neighbors had left their homes. Some came to see the accused leaving “cracking shit”, others called the emergency number and some tried to help the victim until the police and ambulances arrived. “He only moans but there was a moment when he tried to move and I felt like he was saying that he didn’t want to die,” explained a neighbor.

The health workers who assisted the victim detailed that, upon arrival, the woman had lost a lot of blood and that she had two stab wounds in the neck area. Although with her resuscitation maneuvers they were able to rescue her from entering, they could not do anything to save her life and she ended up dying right there.

The prosecutor Enrique Barata accuses the defendant of a crime of murder due to treachery and cruelty with the aggravating factor of kinship and of a crime of possession of prohibited weapons for the pocketknife and combat knife and requests 25 years in prison. 

The defense, led by lawyer Toni Garcia Pinto, alleges that the accused did not know what he was doing because he was intoxicated by the consumption of alcohol and drugs and suffered mental derangement.

This Friday, young people who were with the accused the afternoon and night before the events also testified. According to what they said, they were not friends of his but they knew each other “from town” and they often went to the defendant’s house, as they did that night. There, they reported that they saw the accused – who was 19 years old at the time – drinking alcohol and smoking a couple of marijuana joints but that he was “fine, normal” when they left, between one and two in the morning.

They also stated that the accused had complained on several occasions about his mother for reasons such as not leaving him enough money on the weekend. He neither worked nor studied. In addition, they stated that the money he had “was spent on alcohol and drugs,” especially cocaine and marijuana. Neighbors added that he had set up a couple of plantations in the building.

The partymates, responding to the prosecutor’s questions, stated that he was “always” armed with knives and that in his room he had different knives, a crossbow and Nazi symbols.

One of the witnesses considered essential for both the prosecutor and the defense did not appear at the trial this Friday, despite being duly summoned. For this reason, the presiding magistrate, in response to the request, has agreed to impose a fine of 500 euros and has ordered that he ensure that he attends to testify at the trial, even if he has to be taken by the Mossos d’Esquadra on Monday, when The trial will resume.

According to the script, a friend who stayed overnight at the defendant’s house and who was initially investigated in the case will testify on Monday. The prosecutor points out in his brief that he did not find out anything until the accused went to the room where he was, woke him up, told him that he had killed his mother and that if he did not leave he would be the next.

The accused is scheduled to testify on Tuesday, after experts from the Mossos d’Esquadra, forensics and psychologists.