A group of young people allegedly attacked a trans woman on Saturday in the Poble-sec neighborhood of Barcelona, ??as sources close to Europa Press explained this Monday.

The Observatori Contra l’LGTBI-Fòbia has explained in a message in X, collected by Europa Press, that the woman suffered a “serious attack” and that the young people even used a dog to allegedly intimidate and threaten her.

“We condemn the events and activate protocols and communication with the LGTBI commissioner of Barcelona City Council,” they added, in addition to asking the Mossos d’Esquadra to identify and arrest the perpetrators.

They have also assured that they have made themselves available to the victim and her environment to provide support and legal and psychosocial care to the victim.

Sources from the Mossos d’Esquadra have detailed to Europa Press that, for the moment, they have not received any complaint regarding these events.

Police sources have assured ACN that they will investigate the events and, at the same time, that they are trying to contact the victim. When there is a complaint, police sources clarify, the Mossos may investigate the case for a crime of hate and discrimination.

For his part, the Commissioner for Childhood, Adolescence, Youth and LGBTI Policies in the Barcelona City Council, Javier Rodríguez, has condemned the events. In a message on X, he pointed out that they are currently collecting information and are on the alert with the Office for Non-Discrimination (OND), the District of Sants-Montjuïc, the police forces and the Observatory Against LGBTI-Phobia. “The most firm condemnation. We are not going to allow these facts to go unpunished,” said Rodríguez.