A group of residents of Les Llosses (Ripollès) has started a collection to raise funds to pay for the defense of the man who barricaded himself in a farmhouse last June and shot a neighbor and two Mossos d’Esquadra with a pellet gun .

The events occurred on June 14 at the Les Lloberes de Baix farm, where the attacker had lived for more than two decades. After firing several shots at the neighbor of the adjoining farm, Les Lloberes de Dalt, the man entrenched himself in his home for more than five hours.

The victim, about 25 years old, was the son of the mayor of Sant Jaume de Frontanyà and councilor of the municipality. There were no previous complaints between the two, according to what the deputy inspector of the Mossos d’Esquadra in Ripollès, Rafael Manzano, explained at a press conference on the day of the events.

After the Mossos tried to mediate with him so that he left the house where he was confined after the shots on his own initiative, it was the Grup Especial d’Intervencions (GEI) who finally entered the house and neutralized the attacker.

The man, who was injured during the police intervention, also shot two Mossos d’Esquadra during the eviction proceedings. The arrested man, who is charged with three attempted murders, has been in the Puig de les Basses prison in Figueres since June 17, awaiting trial.

A group of friends and neighbors of Les Llosses through a statement maintain that Mustaphà A. “has always been a good neighbor” and that in the more than twenty years that he has lived in the area “we have never had any problem with him “.

Although they make it clear that “we do not defend their response” and that “we do not agree with the fact of shooting anyone”, they point out that ‘Mus’ received “pressure” and “threats” to leave home. “We are very clear that his reaction was caused by the state of panic that he lived in Les Lloberes,” they state in the document.

The man lived in the farmhouse under a freehold regime, but the property had recently changed hands. There he was self-sufficient: he had goats, chickens and a garden. The neighbors explain that his farm and other nearby ones were bought by a company dedicated to the manufacture of feed for domestic animals.

They explain that the intention of that company is to turn the area into an “elitist hunting ground”. They say that the firm would be the owner of two hunting reserves: Les Lloberes and Llentes/Casselles and also has properties in the Sant Jaume de Frontanyà (Berguedà) reserve, a border municipality with Les Llosses.

“It is clear that the new property was not interested in having a person like him living in Les Lloberes, where in twenty years he had not generated any problems,” they point out in the note. At the moment they have raised about 4,500 euros and they set a goal of reaching 6,000.