The parents who had their three children kidnapped for three weeks, who lived in a guardianship center, have been released with a restraining order of 500 meters from the children and the prohibition of communicating with them.

This was reported this Friday by the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM), which recalled that the couple is being investigated for an alleged crime of child abduction, given that the children were under the guardianship of the Community of Madrid.

The National Police and the Municipal Police of Madrid arrested the parents last Tuesday at their home in the Madrid district of Carabanchel, where they had held their own children – aged 9, 4 and 2 – since they were taken from the guardianship center after a visit.

Alerted by the absence of the minors from the Isabel de Castilla Children’s Residence Center, in the district of Villa de Vallecas, after spending August 26 and 27 with their father – their mother was prohibited from visiting them -, the social services notified of the disappearance.

Although at first the National Police stated that they had no record of the kidnapping until September 14, sources from the Ministry of Family, Youth and Social Affairs assured that it was notified “on the same day of the abduction.”

Finally, sources from the Madrid Police Headquarters confirmed that the guardianship center filed a complaint on the 28th in the Minors Group (GRUME).

The Municipal Police, however, maintains that it was not aware of the theft until the 14th. The intervention, in any case, did not take place until this Tuesday.

After carrying out the corresponding investigations, the National and Municipal Police, in a joint operation, went to the couple’s home, on Antonio Antoranz Street, and broke down the door of the home with a battering ram.

The father threw a liquid in the police officers’ faces and both attacked the officers and set fire to a pile of mattresses, chairs and other flammable objects, requiring the intervention of the Fire Department.

Once inside, the minors were located in the room furthest from the door, hidden inside a built-in closet, and received medical attention from the SAMUR-Civil Protection troops.

The couple was arrested for an alleged crime of child abduction, arson and attack against a law enforcement officer.

For their part, the minors were transferred back to their guardianship center by police officers.