The driver of a car died in a road exit on the C-58 in Ripollet (Vallès Occidental) this morning.

For reasons that are still being investigated, the vehicle left the road at kilometer point 5.2 in the direction of Barcelona and collided with a median pole. As a result of the crash, the driver died and the co-pilot was injured less seriously and was taken to the Parc Taulí Hospital.

The fatal victim is JLFZ, a 35-year-old resident of Sabadell, according to the Servei Català del Trànsit. The Mossos received notification of the incident at 3:43 a.m. and activated five patrols. Four crews from the Generalitat Fire Department and five SEM units have also been mobilized.

Due to the accident, there have been traffic restrictions in both directions of travel and traffic has returned to normal at 6:50 a.m.

With this victim, there are 141 people who have died in a traffic accident this year on the interurban road network of Catalonia, according to provisional data from Trànsit