At a time when artificial intelligence threatens to eliminate millions of jobs, many companies are finding it difficult to fill their job vacancies. A study carried out by the ManpowerGroup company reveals that 84% of technology companies in Spain are unable to find the professionals they need to function normally, which represents an increase of one percentage point compared to last year.

According to this private study, technology-related companies are the second with the most problems finding talent, only behind those that are part of sectors such as advertising or communication. In the case of communication and marketing, the percentage of companies with difficulty in filling their vacancies rises to 91%.

Curiously, this difficulty in finding qualified professionals affects the vast majority of companies in the technology and communication sectors, two of the worlds that experts agree in pointing out offer more guarantees of development in the immediate future.

“Contrary to what it may seem with the takeoff of artificial intelligence, technology needs the most human skills more than ever to continue growing,” warns Myriam Blázquez, general director of the technology services consultancy Experis.

To overcome these hiring difficulties, 6 out of 10 tech companies offer flexibility over where or when to work. Meanwhile, 28% are also committed to increasing salaries to attract and retain talent.

“The digitization of companies places technology in a strategic place and demands more from its professionals than deep technical knowledge. It is increasingly important to have multidisciplinary teams that integrate technical, humanistic, creative and business profiles”, says Jose María Carrete, delivery director of Experis.

In addition, the ManpowerGroup study indicates that 24% of technology companies end up reducing the qualifications required in order to access the professionals they need.

This difficulty in finding qualified workers extends across all economic sectors. For the second consecutive year, 80% of Spanish companies say they have difficulties incorporating the profiles they need to cover the professional opportunities they offer.

“The mismatch between what the market offers and what companies in Spain are looking for is a reality. We see it in all regions, and in all types of activities and types of companies”, says Francisco Ribeiro, Country Manager of ManpowerGroup Spain.

The talent mismatch shows a gap between the profiles that companies demand to meet their needs and the capabilities that candidates have to cover them.

But this problem is not exclusive to Spain. Globally, the technology sector ranks third in terms of difficulty finding professionals, behind communication and the world of energy and utilities.

In fact, according to data presented by ManpowerGroup, 78% of companies related to new technologies in the world have difficulties filling their vacancies with qualified candidates.