news 20062024 193157
news 20062024 193157

The International Yoga Day is celebrated worldwide to recognize the importance of yoga in promoting physical and mental well-being. It was Prime Minister Modi who proposed the idea of a dedicated day for yoga during his speech at the UN General Assembly in 2014. Since then, all 193 UN member states have agreed to observe the International Day of Yoga on June 21st every year.

Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India and has numerous benefits, including promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving overall health. The goal of International Yoga Day is to raise awareness about the positive effects of yoga on our mind and body.

To incorporate yoga into your daily routine, here are five essential poses that you can try:

1. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): This pose helps improve balance, focus, and concentration. It is a simple yet effective standing pose that strengthens the legs and promotes stability.

2. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose): This seated twist pose is both strengthening and rejuvenating. It helps in improving flexibility and releasing tension in the spine.

3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): This back-bending pose is great for strengthening the back muscles and improving posture. It is commonly included in yoga sequences like the Sun Salutation.

4. Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose): This pose is a beginner-friendly balancing pose that helps strengthen the arms, legs, and core muscles. It also helps in improving flexibility in the spine.

By incorporating these yoga poses into your daily routine, you can experience the physical and mental benefits that yoga has to offer. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, practicing these poses regularly can help you achieve a sense of well-being and inner peace. Celebrate International Yoga Day by embracing these essential yoga poses and experiencing the transformative power of this ancient practice.