In the last few hours, Maritime Rescue has rescued at least 452 migrants in Canarian waters, including several babies and pregnant women, who were traveling aboard eight boats, most of them in the waters of Lanzarote.

The first rescue took place at 10:24 p.m. this Saturday in international waters, about 50 miles north of Órzola, Lanzarote: that of a boat with 48 people of North African origin, of which a woman, and who were accompanied by a dog, all moved to Gran Tarajal, Fuerteventura.

The Guardamar Polimnia and the Helimer 201 intervened once the boat was sighted by the crew of a sailboat, the ‘Imi Makani’, which provided data on the position of the barge.

At 2:38 a.m., Guardamar Polimnia assisted a pneumatic boat that was sighted 9 miles east of Costa Teguise, Lanzarote, with 48 people of sub-Saharan origin: 39 men, eight women and one minor, all of them in apparent good condition. of health, to whom he referred to the Arrecife dock.

Also in the waters of Lanzarote, Salvamento Marítimo assisted at around 4:50 a.m. another inflatable boat in which 50 sub-Saharan people were traveling, three of whom were women, one of them pregnant.

In this case, the rescue occurred 11.6 miles east of Lanzarote and the Salvamar Al Nair intervened. The boat could be located after providing the positioning coordinates from the operator of a satellite phone carried by one of the people on board the boat.

At 7:29 a.m. the same rescue boat, the Salvamar Al Nair, rescued another inflatable boat 8 miles east of Lanzarote with 45 people of sub-Saharan and North African origin, among whom there were three women, one of them pregnant, and a minor. .

And just half an hour later he went to the aid of another inflatable boat with 35 people of North African origin, of which three were women and three were minors, located ten miles east of Lanzarote.

In another intervention, Salvamar Izar rescued an inflatable boat with 58 sub-Saharan people, including 15 women and two babies, which they transported to Gran Tarajal, Fuerteventura, where they disembarked at 8:10 a.m.

The count of the last hours is completed with the rescue of two boats in the waters of Gran Canaria, one 29 miles southeast of Maspalomas with 84 people of sub-Saharan origin: 68 men, 14 women and two minors, assisted by Salvamar Nunki; and a pneumatic with 71 men, 11 women and two minors, with the intervention of Salvamar Macondo. The first were disembarked in the port of Las Palmas and the second, in Arguineguín.