
On a fateful day in September, a 12-year-old boy named Owen found himself in a life-threatening situation while hunting with his father, Ryan Beierman, in the dense woods of western Wisconsin. Owen’s quick thinking and bravery saved his father’s life when he shot and killed an injured black bear that was attacking Ryan.

The incident occurred when Owen accidentally discharged his hunting rifle, causing the bear to maul Ryan and pin him down. Despite being bitten on his thigh, arm, and forehead, Ryan praised his son for his courageous actions in shooting the bear to protect him.

Prior to the attack, Ryan and Owen had spotted the wounded bear near their hunting lodge in Siren, Wisconsin. Owen had initially shot the bear, causing it to flee. After waiting for some time and enlisting the help of a neighbor’s tracking dog, they attempted to locate the injured animal. However, the situation took a turn for the worse when the bear suddenly charged at them, leading to a violent confrontation.

Ryan recounted the terrifying moments when he found himself face to face with the aggressive bear, using his pistol in a desperate attempt to fend off the animal. Despite his efforts, the bear continued its attack until Owen stepped in and fired his rifle, ultimately saving his father from further harm.

Following the harrowing ordeal, Ryan and Owen were rushed to a hospital by a neighbor, where they received medical treatment for their injuries. Ryan required stitches for a deep cheek wound and multiple puncture wounds on his right arm. The heroic actions of young Owen not only saved his father’s life but also demonstrated incredible courage and composure in the face of danger.

This heartwarming story serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of wildlife encounters and the importance of being prepared and vigilant while engaging in outdoor activities. The bond between father and son was tested that day, but their shared experience will undoubtedly strengthen their relationship and serve as a testament to the power of bravery and quick thinking in times of crisis.