Podemos was surprised by divorcing Sumar to move to the mixed group. The “exclusive” announcement by Canal Red, the broadcasting house of Pablo Iglesias, generated the first faces: congratulations from journalists for the investigation. At the height of Watergate. Then came those of “this consultation with the militancy, I’ve lost it” or “has this been consulted with the grassroots?”. And @norcoreano proposed this headline: “Two parties called Sumar and Unites are separating”. Also a scene from The Life of Brian, which doesn’t predict everything, like The Simpsons, but which explains a lot about life. In this case, “the day of the marmot of the left”, according to @tortondo, with that dialogue of “Popular Jewish Front? We are from the Popular Front of Judea! The only ones we hate more than the Roman people are the bastards of the Front of the Jewish People and the Popular Front of the Jewish People!” “Being left-wing in this country is exhausting”, summed up @brtemez.

In the Twitter art of rescuing newspapers, he brought to the fore a clip of Irene Montero when a deputy left the Unides Podemos group: “I think what I should do is leave the minutes and allow the popular will of the Canaries. Transfuguism is an act of fraud on the public”. Time also for micro-analysis: “Departure announced and consummated “coincidentally” the day after (and not the day before) the election of the commissions”, pointed out Aitor Esteban. “The deputies of Compromís went to the mixed group after presenting themselves in coalition with United Podemos. Alert by throwing poo up which then falls,” wrote @pabloechenique.

X may be in freefall, but Twitter remains the best place for marketing gossip today, interspersed with a little bit of everything. As I plunged into a new “Matrix failure” of my attention economy I encountered all kinds of barbarities, from the athlete guest on El hormiguero who gleefully said “¡maricón, el último!” and received applause from the public to certain reactions about the presence of Jenni Hermoso in the bells of RTVE. But also a couple of creative viral gifts: a bouquet of whip and cheeses wrapped as if they were flowers and another of a leg of ham with candles on top like a birthday cake. And, look, a scroll that was really worth it. Enough internet for today.