COSO, foundation for the development of Communication and Society, has created the José Luis Boronat Award, an award that will annually recognize those initiatives, institutional or personal, that promote the development of civil society, harmony and the search for the common good . An award that seeks to keep alive the memory of a man whom I knew a lot and for many years, and who was a great defender of civil society, who wanted the Valencian Community to advance towards a space of peaceful, cohesive coexistence and capable of locating to Valencians in the face of the political and social challenges that have arisen at all times.

Perhaps the name is not familiar to many of you, but Boronat (Castelló de Rugat, 1939, València 2021) was a man who during the transition was active in the UCD and dedicated a lot of time to helping to weave together complicities so that a good between the democratic political forces, right and left. With a liberal profile, in the classic sense of the word, and with strong religious convictions, he did not hesitate to use his office to protect those persecuted by Franco (he had a good relationship with the leader of the PCE in those years, Antonio Palomares) and promoted, together with Iñaki Zaragüeta, Paco Puchol, Felipe Guardiola, Antonio Sotillo, Antonio Palomares, Rita Baberá, Manuel Tarancón, Vicente Garrido, Fermin Artagoita, Benigno Camañas and Federico Moreno the Valencia Meeting Club.

He was, in fact, the first president of this debate forum that was inaugurated in 1984; which years later would be renamed Club de Encuentro Manuel Broseta after the murder of the Valencian professor at the hands of ETA. Along with his activity as a lawyer and civil activist, he also accepted at some point to be part of the board of directors of Bancaja. His law office, in the center of Valencia, became a gathering space for years. Whoever writes this began taking part in these talks thirty years ago; and all kinds of restless profiles passed through his firm, mainly from the political and economic world. I remember some memorable afternoons with people like Carmen Alborch, Manuel Tarancón or Ricard Pérez Casado.

At the beginning of the new millennium, together with former European commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner, he promoted the creation of the Jávea Neighborhood Forum; a space for debate between southern Europe and the Arab world that held interesting discussions with the participation of authorities from both shores of the Mediterranean. Over the years, José Luís Boronat ended up very focused on his law firm, specialized in Commercial Law, and started a more or less monthly private gathering in which I was lucky to be a part of for 25 years. It was always held in a private room in a restaurant in Valencia. One of its most prominent members was Paco Puchol, another great lawyer and civil activist, who died in 2017.

At those dinners, ideas were expressed without reservation, with absolute freedom. I always knew that with Boronat there were certain topics that, due to his deep Catholicism, were always complex to discuss; But I have never met a person more respectful and understanding of the opinions of others. And I will never forget the good advice that he always knew how to give me. He was, to tell the truth, a great and true friend. He was also passionate about sailing; sport that ended up being practiced by his children. And he always encouraged his friends to accompany him on voyages with his sailboat, whether to travel along the Spanish coast from Xàbia or to reach the Balearic Islands. Paco Puchol was also passionate about sailing.

The last time we met was before the pandemic at his house. We all went there to try to hold another gathering. His health was already very delicate, although we were encouraged to meet again when Covid left us. Death took him first. I still miss him a lot. Congratulations to the COSO initiative.

PS: The award will be presented next December 14 at 7 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Colegio Mayor Albalat on Av. Primado Reig, 167 (València). Some of us will not fail.