* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

A hiker – Marga, my wife – contemplates with emotion a great and beautiful panorama in front of her eyes, as we see in The Photos of the Readers of La Vanguardia.

This rocky spur with brutal views, close to the Sanctuary of Puiggraciós, made me remember the film – and also the beautiful novel by Paolo Cognetti – The Eight Mountains, the fascinating and emotional story of friendship of two men, straddling the Alps and the Himalaya is also a lyrical and passionate song in the mountains, the last free and virgin spaces on the planet.

The sanctuary of Puiggraciós is located at the top of the eastern buttress of the Cingles de Bertí, in the municipality of Figueró, in the region of Vallès Oriental.

The sanctuary is located at an altitude of 689.2 meters, a little before reaching the top of Puiggraciós, in its northeast. It is normal, therefore, that we enjoy splendid views.

We are located in the natural environment of the Cingles de Bertí, protected by the Plan de Espacios de Interés Natural and which act as a separator of the Moianès plateau from the Vallès depression.

The origin of the number of these risks is found in the parish of Sant Pere de Bertí, which is located in the central part of this area, which includes the municipal areas of Sant Feliu de Codines, Bigues i Riells and Sant Quirze Safaja.