“We want justice. After witnessing acts that violate the morals and respect of those present, in a tribute and farewell to our friend, we ask that the parish priest be immediately removed from the church of La Magdalena.” This is how the explanation for the collection of signatures on the Change.org portal begins. The objective of family and friends close to a 24-year-old young man who died in León is to remove the clergyman who officiated at the funeral in the church in the town of Canales-La Magdalena, belonging to the municipality of Soto y Amío.

The complaint has already collected almost 3,000 signatures and in the comments everyone agrees on the reprehensible attitude of the parish priest. Some even highlight his “arrogant and arrogant attitude” during the funeral and the arguments that, according to some witnesses, he used to prevent family and friends of the deceased from saying a few words to express their pain to his loved ones.

“He says that this is typical of Protestant burials,” reveals a signatory, a comment signed by the mayor of the Soto y Amío City Council, Ana Arias. “What happened there is not acceptable,” admits the councilor, present at the funeral. Arias claims to have contacted the Bishopric to make an appointment to discuss the matter.

Other users of the signature collection platform remember that the priest accumulates complaints in other parishes in the area. “Humanity, respect and empathy should be above any religion. Therefore, we ask for the massive collection of signatures to help us take this petition to the bishopric, and that their actions are not forgotten,” the text continues. of the complaint on Change.org.

Local media indicate that friends and family paid him a massive tribute at the Reino de León Shopping Center last week. Young Ángel suffered a serious accident with a van when he collided head-on with a vehicle on the N-630 between La Robla and León. The other driver died instantly, while the young man was taken to the León Hospital by helicopter, but nothing could be done to save his life.