Scammers have seen the growth of some social networks and the supposed naivety of their audience as an opportunity to increase their profits with more direct and crude methods. The Mossos d’Esquadra have detected a new scam spread by WhatsApp in which recipients are asked to enter a link posing as the Tik Tok promotion department.

In the message, alerted as fake on the Mossos Twitter account, the scammers claim to be looking for “7,000 part-time employees” to become “an online business development partner for Tik Tok VIP1 to VIP 3 (Svip)”, without specify what that VIP program means. What they do point out in the scam is an alleged prize for those who achieve this status: “a 4Matic E 300—a Mercedes—valued at €81,753 as a benefit for fans.”

To achieve such a reward, the user ‘only’ has to enter a link to try to get a job that is “very simple and without a time limit.” The scammers allow you to apply to “any country where Tik Tok is available” and offer all kinds of facilities such as teleworking.

The remuneration, apart from the car, consists of 40 euros per day and an immediate deposit of five euros to the new employee’s account. “If you would like more information, please reply with (1) to indicate that you have received the invitation. After responding with (1), you will be put in touch with a representative through Telerram who will explain how this job works ???????????????? (sic),” the message concludes.

Given the spread of this scam, the Mossos d’Esquadra asks to delete the conversation and block the number that sent said message.